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dita-adoption message

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                 ACTION ITEMS
          OASIS DITA Adoption Meeting
Attendees: Stan, Keith, Josh, Kathy, Pei, Kathryn, Gershon, Scott, Kris
Guests: Dawn Stevens

IMPORTANT: The July ATC meeting has been moved from Tuesday, July 6 to
Tuesday, July 13. 

1. DITA Adoption and CIDM: Dawn Stevens, the Director of CIDM, joined the ATC 
   to provide feedback on the proposal that the activities of the OASIS 
   Adoption TC find its new home within the CIDM organization. 

   a. Dawn pointed out that there are many synergies between ATC and CIDM.

   b. There are also obstacles that would suggest that CIDM would not be 
      a suitable home:
      > CIDM seeks corporate members over individual members, so the goal
        of lowering the bar to membership ($$) may not be satisfied.
      > Beyond what CIDM currently offers by way of newsletters and publications,
        it is not clear where ATC tech papers might fit. 
      > Potential conflict of interest: OASIS is a non-profit organization that
        freely distributes its information. CIDM is for-profit and charges 
        for the information and services that it produces. 
      > Potential conflict of interest: Some of the sponsors and corporate members
        of CIDM may not like ATC product evaluations that contained unfavorable
      > Mission: DITA is one of many interests for CIDM. Adopting the ATC would
        reinforce the perception that CIDM is a DITA-only shop.

   c. The sentiment in the room as that ATC should not pursue CIDM as a future 

   Many thanks to Dawn for joining us.  

2. Kris asked for a summary of some of the motivators for ATC seeing a home 
   outside OASIS.

   a. Cost of membership = too high. Impediment to ATC membership and 

   b. Charter disconnects:
      > The ability to test/review products for DITA compliance.
      > The ability to provide comparative data on product usability
        and/or performance. 
      > The ability to respond to inaccurate or fake news distributed
        by commercial competitors to the DITA standard. 

   c. ACTION ITEM: Keith the develop a document summarizing the activities 
      that the ATC would like to conduct in its new home. Ideally,
      it would be great to have that for the ACM SIGDOC meeting (below). 

3. The ATC discussed the feedback from Carlos Evia and Rebekka Andersen
   re: ACM SIGDOC.
   a. ACM infrastructure seemed comparable to OASIS.
   b. The focus of the SIGDOC group was primarily on UXD, not documentation
      or structured authoring. 

   c. ACTION ITEM: Stan to contact the SIGDOC leads to set up a meeting
      before the next ATC meeting with Stan, Keith, and Gershon to:
      > Review Keith's summary document.
      > Assess (from the SIGDOC point of view) whether it wants to support
        that work.
      > Assess (from the ATC point of view) whether ATC should begin
        the process of applying to ACM for a new SIG. 

4. Homework for next ATC meeting:
   a. Review the DITA 2.0 spec.
   b. Bring to the meeting potential tech paper topics.

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