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Subject: can we allow <ditavalref> at the top level of a <bookmap>?

Hello all,


The <map> element allows a DITAVAL file to be intrinsically associated with the entirety of the map:



  <ditavalref href="">




However, a <bookmap> does not allow <ditavalref> at the top level. It allows it within the various children (<frontmatter>, <chapter>, <appendix>, etc.) but that’s not the same thing.


A top-level <ditavalref> would allow us to intrinsically push a @product value down through the map, which would be useful because our bookmaps reference product-conditional topics. I’m aware we could assign <ditavalref> on <bookmap> children/descendants, or that we could use an external DITA-OT project file to make the association, but neither of these are a substitute for setting the @product value for the entire <bookmap> itself.


Can we please allow <ditaval> at the top level of a <bookmap>, the same as it is already allowed at the top level of a <map>?




Chris Papademetrious

Tech Writer, Implementation Group

(610) 628-9718 home office

(570) 460-6078 cell


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