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Subject: FW: [dita-adoption] Request to form new DITA Adoption Help Subcommittee

FYI, the process is started….


Chris Goolsby



From: Gershon Joseph (gerjosep) [mailto:gerjosep@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:09 PM
To: Mary McRae
Cc: DITA Adoption TC
Subject: [dita-adoption] Request to form new DITA Adoption Help Subcommittee


Hi Mary,


At the 28 June 2010 DITA Adoption TC meeting, the TC accepted a proposal to form a new DITA Adoption Help Subcommittee. The meeting minutes recording the decision is here:


The proposal we voted on, which describes the charter of this new SC, is here:


The chair is Tony Self.


The full name of the SC is "DITA Adoption Help Subcommittee"

I suggest the following email alias for the group: dita-adoption-help.


Please let me know if you need anything further from me.





Gershon Joseph
Technical Leader, Engineering
Product Development Services

Phone: +972 9 892-7157
Mobile: +972 57 314-1170

Cisco Systems, Inc.

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