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dita-help message

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Subject: Help Features in DITA 1.3

Greetings colleagues

Now that 1.2 has been released, we have to start thinking about 1.3. You
will probably recall that the Help Subcommittee was established to make
recommendations for 1.3; it wasn't anticipated that 1.3 would be so far

So far, we have proposals for spec changes to better handle context hooks,
and window definitions. 

We have discussed in the past the possibility of a specialisation for
integrated or embedded user assistance content.

There has been some negative feedback from the community about the perceived
complexity of 1.2, with new information types, constrained versions of some
types, and a (perceived) mushrooming in the number of elements. 

My feeling is that the context hook and window definitions should be built
into the base content model. My feeling is that we should not have a
specialised information type for UA, mainly because I don't think the
community is demanding such a thing.

What do you all think? 

Tony Self

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