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Subject: Change to Proposal
Greetings colleagues Earlier this week, Stan Doherty and myself met (via teleconference) with Michael Priestley, Kris Eberlein, and Robert Anderson to discuss the possible overlap between Robert's proposal for changes to <resourceid>, and our own proposal for <ua-context> as a specialisation of <resourceid>. One of the issues that had arisen was that our idea of specialising <ua-context> from <resourceid> was not feasible, as <resourceid> didn't have enough attributes to specialise from. So in order to create <ua-context>, we'd have to modify <resourceid>. The consensus was that it might be better to simply expand <resourceid> to include the attributes that we need for context-sensitive Help, and not to create a specialised <ua-context> element. I have revised the associated proposal 13060 to reflect this changed approach, and have uploaded it to the DHSC documents area. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-help/download.php/50297/d ita-proposal-csh_13060.html I've also attached the HTML version to this mail. I think it would be a good idea to meet to discuss this change, to ensure that everyone is happy with it, before proceeding further. We need to have this discussion before the next scheduled meeting of 3 September. I would like to propose that we meet at 4.30 pm US EST on Monday 26 August. Is that particularly uncomfortable for anyone hoping to attend? Kind regards Tony Self Chair - OASIS DITA Help SubcommitteeTitle: DITA 1.3 proposed feature 13060
DITA 1.3 proposed feature 13060Allow context sensitive Help metadata to be defined in topic and topicref attributes by expanding the resourceid element. Date and version information
Original requirement or use caseHelp systems for software applications use context strings and context identifiers as a means to associate a specific Help topic with a part of the software application. Although such context hooks differ across applications, and across Help (or User Assistance) platforms, they can always be considered as metadata. The only metadata container provided in DITA that is suitable for context hooks is the resourceid element, but it is too limited to be able to store all the context hook metadata required by a range of Help delivery technologies. Including better context hook metadata at the ditamap (topicref) level and the topic level would allow processors to generate the header, mapping or alias text files required to integrate the Help with an application. Use casesA Help author is creating a Help system for a software application, which will provide field-level user assistance. The developers are implementing a Help API, which takes parameters of help file name, opening mode, (optional) window name, and (optional) topic number. The Help author needs to generate a context mapping file to associate the topic numbers (or context identifiers) with topic file names, to pass to the development team for integration with the application code. The Help author needs to apply context identifiers to the topic either manually or through some generation process provided by the DITA authoring tool or through scripting. The context identifiers have to be stored in topic or topicref metadata (as they are not visible parts of the content) so that the mapping file can be generated automatically during the publishing process. Alternatively, the development team might provide a list of context identifiers, in the form of a context mapping file, for the Help author to apply to topics in the Help system. The Help author would then need to associate the context identifiers in the map file with topics by applying topicref or topic metadata. Proposed solutionThis proposal suggests adding a number of extra attributes to the resourceid element, valid within the topicref element's topicmeta element and the topic element's prolog element. The resourceid element would contain optional attributes of id, appname, appid, context-string, and ua-window. None, one or many resourceid elements would still be permitted within the parent element. The yield-to-topic attribute is a Boolean flag to indicate whether the context hooks in the map should be over-ridden by any specified in the topic. (This yield-to-topic attribute is only valid when used within a topicref in amap.) If the yield-to-topic attribute does not exist, processors should assume that both the topic's resourceid and the map's topicref's resourceid should be used. Another DITA 1.3 proposal to enhance the functionality of the resourceid element (Proposal 13008) by adding an appid does not satisfy the Use Case requirements (window name and yield to topic). (The DITA Help Subcommittee created a comparison table of 13008 vs 13060 features to help with deliberation of this issue.) BenefitsPost-processing of Help outputs generated from DITA source would no longer be required, and context hook metadata could be maintained within the DITA source rather than outside it. This will benefit all Help authors currently creating context-sensitive Help from DITA source, and will also significantly reduce the technical barrier that currently prevents some authors using DITA for Help content. Technical requirementsThe resourceid would need to be modified in the DTD/Schema files. Toolkit implementations need to add map2context and dita2context transforms. A related new ditamap element defining the window referenced in the ua-window attribute would be required (see Proposal 13061).
Examples<map title="Widget Help"> <topicref href="" type="concept"> <topicref href="" type="task"> <topicmeta> <resourceid id="ab12" appname="ua" appid="1234" context-string="idh_filesave" yield-to-topic="true" /> </topicmeta> </topicref> <topicref href="" type="task"> <topicmeta> <resourceid id="ab34" appname="ua" appid="2345" context-string="idh_filedelete" /> <resourceid id="ab56" appname="ua" appid="6789" context-string="idh_filekill" /> <topicmeta> </topicref> <topicref href="" type="task"> <topicmeta> <resourceid id="ab78" appname="ua" appid="5432" context-string="idh_fileedit" ua-window="csh" /> <topicmeta> </topicref> </topicref> </map> <task id="fedt"> <title>Editing a File</title> <prolog> <resourceid id="cd12" appname="ua" appid="5432" context-string="idh_fileedit" ua-window="csh" /> </prolog> <taskbody> <context>After you have created a new file, you can edit it.</context> <steps> <step><cmd>Open...</cmd></step> <step><cmd>Edit...</cmd></step> <step><cmd>Save...</cmd></step> </steps> </taskbody> </task> SetCsh(0,"idh_filedelete",2345,"file_processing/deleting_files.htm"); SetCsh(1,"idh_filekill",6789,"file_processing/kill_files.htm"); </script> <contexts> <context id="idh_filedelete" title="Deleting Files from the Main Panel"> <description>Files can be deleted from the Main Panel using shortcut keys.</description> <command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(cheatSheetId=org.eclipse.fileops.delete.cheatsheet)quot; label="Pushing the panic button"/> <topic href="" label="Deleting Files from the Main Panel"/> </context> ... </contexts> 2345=file_processing/deleting_files.htm 6789=file_processing/kill_files.htm #define idh_filedelete 2345 #define idh_filekill 6789 |
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