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Subject: Groups - DITA Learning Content SC Working Meeting modified

DITA Learning Content SC Working Meeting has been modified by John Hunt

Date:  Thursday, 29 March 2007
Time:  11:00am - 12:00pm ET

Event Description:
USA Toll Free Number: 866-880-0098
USA Toll Number: +1-210-795-1100
PASSCODE: 6396088

Working session to hear updates, discuss, and provide feedback on the Phase 2 topic type designs.

1) Announcement
DCL news has an excellent article on the DITA-S1000D Summit - http://www.dclab.com/scorm_s1000d_dita.asp

For more information about the DITA-S1000D
Learning Content Summit, to be held April 10-11 at the ADL in Alexandria, VA. Wayne Gafford is organizing this event for the ADL. Please consider attending, if at all possible.

See - http://www.adlnet.gov/news/articles/400.cfm

2) For latest updates on plans and topic designs, see DITA learning SC wiki page here -


a) Learning Enhancement type -http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/LearningContent/LearningEnhancementTopicType.

b) Assessment type - http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/LearningContent/LearningAssessmentTopicType.

c) Amber Swope and Scott Hudson to join teams on design of the Overview and Summary types -

d) Greg DeVore is lead for the Learning Content type.
See - http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/LearningContent/LearningContentTopicType.

e) Wayne Gafford has formed a team for the instructional design type design.
See -http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/LearningContent/LearningInstructionalDesignTopicType

Goals for March - Form teams, collect content samples,
revise overviews, start identifying elements needed.

What does a topic-type team and lead do?
- Assembles a team and convenes meetings
- Collects sample content
- Reviews and revises the overview description for the topic
- Develops a table of the specialized DITA elements needed
to support the topic type
- Develops DITA content samples for the topic type
- Drafts the specification for the topic type

DITA Learning Content SC  
29 Mar 2007

Summary type  restatement of objectives
Instructional Design, Overview, Summary. Should it be a reference or a restatement?

Should objectives be a part of all 6 types?

John Accardi  keeping overview and summary very general (calling it context). Using it at a high level at course map, in specific topics.

Main Points
Estimated Duration

John Hunt  Overview and Summary are the bookends for learning content.

Greg Davore 
Needed an overview for the day, as well as an overview for each of the modules. 

Rueben  use the same XML structure for both overview and summary. Tend to mark up objectives by audience, where multiple objectives could be sourced from a single file. Placing this on objectives would make a lot of sense.

Overview could be a learning object in and of itself (overview for the course, for example).

Overview and summary need to have enough content to be able to stand alone.

Need to discuss the difference between a SCO and LO.

John Accardi sent the following to the list to help with the discussion:

There are many different types of reuse. In SCORM, you can have assemblies of assemblies, so this should not be an issue. There are many different ways that we can create SCOs (standalone topics) and assemblies (maps w/topicrefs).

Under SCORM 2004, you can have different sequencing rules through the same content package.

Accardi: If you want the flexibility to SCORM-wrap at any level, you need to make sure you have the primitives at each of those levels to enable the ability to process it into a SCORM object.

Example of primitives includes: duration

Should duration be a domain specialization, or should we roll this up to the TC as a change to optional metadata on topic?

Potentially add Main Points?

Action: find out what is minimum information required by SCORM and post to Wiki.

This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Thursday, 15 March 2007, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 22 March 2007, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET

View event details:

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:DITA Learning Content SC Working Meeting
DESCRIPTION:USA Toll Free Number: 866-880-0098\nUSA Toll Number:
  +1-210-795-1100\nPASSCODE: 6396088\n\nGroup: DITA Learning and
  Training Content Specialization SC\nCreator: John Hunt

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