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Subject: Re: [dita-learningspec] dita learning spec cleanup review and comments


First, thanks very much for your very helpful and detailed spec review.

Here's my comments on your comments.

1) On your recommendation to "Use the word “GROUP” in container element names that wrap lists and options. This will align with three renamed elements in S1000D. "

lcObjectivesList would become lcObjectiveGroup
lcQuestionOptions becomes lcQuestionOptionGroup
lcSequenceOptions becomes lcSequenceOptionGroup

JH: I have no objections. Any other thoughts from SC members?

2) Comment: (In the PDF) provide more labeling for the sections.
JH: Agree it would be nice in the PDF. Will try to accomodate.

3) "<lcAudience>, <lcResources> and <lcDuration> are first mentioned in the <learningOverviewbody> content model on page 100. They are not defined until the <learningBasebody> on page 111. Insert a reference, such as “See blah blah for a definition.”

JH: When viewed in Adobe Reader, you do get live links to these sections. However, will add a cross-reference for print-only convenience.

4) learningBase and how to treat it in the spec.

JH: learningBase is defined as a specialized topic type, to provide a set of base elements for use in the more specialized learning topic types.

That said, I see these alternatives for the content, in the PDF version:

a) repeat the content about lcIntro, lcNextSteps, etc, in each topic where they get used. Advantage: content is right where you need it. Disadvantage: Content gets repeated and bloats the size of the PDF/print.
b) include the learningBase topic and the base elements, and include a print-only reference to the learningBase elements as needed.

Again, with the html and "live" PDF in Adobe Reader, all of these references become links, so I think most of the problem goes away in those cases.

5) Where do you find references to learningOverviewInfoTypes and learningContentInfoTypes ?

6) on repeating intro, duration, objectives, I take it you mean on repeating the doc for them, or do you mean repeating the elements themselves?

See comments on #4.

7 & 8) on lcChallenge and lcInstruction in learningContentbody.

JH: I ask the group to consider if we need this in the learningContent topic or not. If we do, then I'd like to hear from Reuben on the proper order.

9) in the learningContent topic, <task>, <concept>, and <reference> are available as "nested" topics. A nested topic is not part of the body content of a topic, but an entire, fully-valid DITA topic that is nested, either directly or by conref, in a specific location.

This DITA model derives from generic topic, like this:

<!ELEMENT topic (%title;, (%titlealts;)?, (%shortdesc;)?,
                (%prolog;)?, (%body;)?, (%related-links;)?,
                (%topic-info-types;)* )

Here, the %topic-info-types; is what defines additional info types (topic types) that you can include as nested sub-topics in a DITA topic.

Specifically, in the learningContent design, we define learningContent-info-types as follows:

<!ENTITY % learningContent-info-types "(concept | task | reference | topic)*, (learningAssessment)?, (learningSummary)?">

See http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/LearningContent/Structure/DITASpecialization.

10) on duplicating lcObjectives in overview and content bodies, yes, this is intentional. lcObjectives is also in the summary body. And based on our recent discussions, I would propose that we also make it available in the assessment topic.

Doing this makes it possible to a) use the same objectives across the topics, b) include objectives from one topic into another by way of conref (so, you could author the objectives in the content topics, and conref them into the overview and summary, for example), c) by output processing, to collect objectives from content topics and populate the overview and summary topic, or the like.

11) on description of lcNextSteps - do you have an alternative to suggest?

12) yes, we need a /SingleSelect close tag on page 108. Good catch!

13) lcCorrectResponse is defined in the DTD/XSD as an empty element. So, the markup examples are wrong, and should be corrected. Good catch #2!

14) Comments well take on the assessment topic markup examples. And, removing them "fixes" the problems just mentioned in 12 and 13, too.

15) Defining the interactions as a domain makes them available for use in other topic types, in addition to the assessment type. And the assessment type does include lcInteractions, which references the 6 interactions. How about I add a better description and cross-reference for them?

16) Good comments.

17) QuestionOption vs. AnswerOption, etc. Yes, I see what you mean. Let's decide whether to change, based on group input.

18) on lcAsset - it actually provides for just <image>, <imagemap>, and <object>.
Now that you ask, since these are all part of the content model for <p>, then could all be included directly in the lcQuestion.

So my question for the group is - do we need lcAsset? What purpose does it provide?

19) on lcCorrectResponse - actually, I'd say the opposite. Since only one element in a true/false, single select, or multiple select might be correct, then lcCorrectResponse must be optional for all the question options - it only gets included for the correct option(s).

20) DITA topics have a consistent structure, and include a body element.

See http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.1/CD01/archspec/dita_spec_22_topics_structure.html.

21) I'll make the change for your affiliation.

22) Yes, agree these are not questions - will remove the ?'s.

23) Yes, agree to reword to take out the 'we'- thanks!

24) These objectives are the agreed-upon and published objectives for this sub-committee, so would not want to change these statements unless we change the objectives, as stated here - http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-learningspec/.

25) Yup, page 8 is blank.

26) Let's discuss your comments on the examples in chapter 8. I'm open to what is best to do here.

I'll pull out items from this that we need to discuss further at the Thursday meeting.

Thanks much much again, Wayne.

John Hunt
DITA Architect / Lotus Information Development Center
Chair, OASIS DITA learning and training content sub-committee
IBM Software Group/Lotus Software

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