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Subject: Re: [dita-learningspec] Design of Learning Map Topicrefs: Why NoSubordinate Refs?

Hi all,

Thanks to both Eliot and Reuben for the good comments and exchange.

I have a couple of replies and a proposal.

Eliot asks:
>>if I don't use learning map domain topicrefs to
construct my learning content (but do using learning domain topic types,
assessments, etc.) will the out-of-the-box SCORM generation work, assuming
I've met any necessary constraints, such as specifying chunking so that the
HTML result conforms to SCORM constraints?


The map2scorm.xsl available with the current set of sample content only processes content that uses the specialized learning map topic references of learningGroup, learningObject, etc. It won't work with general topicrefs.

Those samples are here - http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/32666/dita12learningsamples.zip%3Cbr%20/%3E.

It would be possible, I would think, to develop generalized map2scorm processing that could accommodate topicrefs in an unconstrained map, but you would need to make some assumptions about things like where in the map structure the SCO's begin and end.

Eliot suggests:
One thing that might be interesting would be to set a default value of
"to-content" for @chunk on the learningContentRef topicref and then allow
subordinate topicrefs (e.g. %topicref;). That would have the effect of
producing the SCORM-required output structure by default.


I like this a lot.

However, I'd suggest restricting the subordinate topicrefs to learningContentRef.

Opening them to %topicref; would make all of the specialized learning map references available, since they're defined as domain specializations of topicref. That could become quite messy, even (or perhaps more so) if the chunk="to-content" collapses them all to a single output file.

So, if I understand correctly, the proposal is to keep the same design for learningObject:
* learningObject
  * learningPlanRef (zero or one)

  * learningOverviewRef or learningPreAssessmentRef (zero or more)

  * learningContentRef (one or more)

   * learningPostAssessmentRef or learningSummaryRef (zero or more)

And then I suggest amending Eliot's suggestion and propose extending the design for learningContentRef to

a) set default of chunk="to-content" and

b) allow zero or more child learningContentref elements,

as follows:

      <!ELEMENT learningContentRef    ((%topicmeta;)?, (%learningContentRef;)*) >

I'm eager for comments.

Let's do plan on developing a formal proposal for this to bring to the July 16 meeting.


John Hunt
Chair, OASIS DITA Learning and Training Content Specialization Sub-Committee

Structured Content Architect / Lotus Information Development Center
IBM Software Group/Lotus Software

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