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Subject: first approach for marketing template

Dear Michael and others,

Eva and I have tried to work out a template for our marketing specialization.

Please have a look at this, especially at all our comments and questions (inside the XML-instance).

We also have added a suggestion to take over the lq element from standard DITA and made a lw version of it.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Kind regards, Birgit and Eva






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- be aware, in lw topic.mod not all atribute we are using for specialization here are defined e.g. outputclass is only allowed with fig, 
    specrole etc. are missing -->
<topic id="mk" outputclass="marketingtopic" >
            <ph outputclass="brand" specrole="xx"></ph>
            <ph outputclass="category" specrole="xx"></ph>
            <ph outputclass="product" specrole="xx"></ph>
            <ph outputclass="company" specrole="xx"></ph>
            <!-- we want to use this ph-specialization within the body/p and not only in the prolog;
                so do we have do define this elements hier or in the body/p? -->
            <!-- values for specrole? and their meaning? -->
    <body outputclass="marketingbody">
        <!-- here we only define the new elements for "all-blocks", thus in body and in section, so do we have to denfine them twice?
            and we want to keep/use all standard lw elements also 
        and how can we avoid the our new dl's are allowed in "list-blocks"? can we restrict the places where our dl's are allowed? -->
        <dl outputclass="features">
            <dlentry outputclass="feature" specmodel="sequence">
                <dt outputclass="featureterm"></dt>
                <dd outputclass="featuredef"><p>...</p></dd>
        <dl outputclass="specifications">
            <dlentry outputclass="specification" specmodel="sequence">
                <dt outputclass="specifiedterm"></dt>
                <dd outputclass="specifieddesc" important="optional"><p>...</p></dd><!-- important="optional" is what we want also in the base for dd -->
        <ul outputclass="highlights">
            <li outputclass="highlight"></li> 
            <xref outputclass="actionref"></xref>
            <!-- is this possible? and how do we get this everywhere where xref is allowed? 
                or are the only inlin-elements which are allowed to specialize ph and data?
                as fare as we understand the template approach, this xref specialization is not allowed

Suggestion: take over a restricted lq from DITA:

<xs:element name="lq">
			<xs:group ref="all-blocks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
			<xs:element ref="longquoteref" minOccurs="0"/>
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="lq-attlist"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name="lq-attlist">
	<xs:attributeGroup ref="localization"/>
	<xs:attributeGroup ref="filters"/>
	<xs:attributeGroup ref="reuse"/>
	<xs:attribute name="class" default="- topic/lq "/>

<xs:element name="longquoteref">
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="longquoteref-attlist"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name="longquoteref-attlist">
	<xs:attribute name="href"/>
	<xs:attribute name="format"/>
	<xs:attribute name="scope">
			<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
				<xs:enumeration value="local"/>
				<xs:enumeration value="peer"/>
				<xs:enumeration value="external"/>
	<xs:attributeGroup ref="localization"/>
	<xs:attribute name="class" default="- topic/longquoteref "/>

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