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Subject: Conrefs in MDITA without HTML (Garen's idea)

Dear LwDITA SC people,

I have a to-do item of contacting Garen Torikian to ask if his proposed approach for doing conrefs in MDITA breaks (or not) GitHub Flavored Markdown... but then I remembered that MDITA extended profile BREAKS GFM already with the Markdown Extra syntax for footnotes and definition lists and the Pandoc syntax that we use in the YAML headers. Those things do not exist in the GFM/CommonMark spec.
So... maybe the question is for us as a SC: Do we want to explore the adoption of a Markdown-only approach for conrefs for MDITA extended profile?
Then, we would need to talk to Jarno and Robert and question if this is feasible, and then reach out to Garen and ask if GFM would support MDITA as a whole and not just this component,


Carlos Evia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
Chair, Hispanic/Latino Faculty & Staff Caucus
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112

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