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dita-lightweight-dita message

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Subject: DITA 2.0 proposal - simpletable alignment with HTML table

We've had two table models in DITA for a long time - CALS and simpletable. Neither of them is easily mappable or roundtrippable with tables in HTML, which poses a problem for tool compatibility, especially for LWDITA where HTML is the common table model in both HDITA and MDITA.

Rather than add a third table model to support HTML table markup, we propose extending the markup for simpletable to allow it to support common HTML table elements and attributes. This could be done in a backwards-compatible fashion - existing simpletable markup would remain valid, we would only be adding options to support more HTML markup. We would still have a complex (CALS) model and simple model, this just means that our simple table would map more easily to the widely supported HTML5 table.

The value of simpletable for specialization purposes would be preserved, and we would gain greater compatibility with the dominant table markup standard in today's web and CMS tooling.

Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
Taxonomy Specialist, Marketing Analytics

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