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Subject: Kudos: Michael and Carlos for a Wonderful LwDITA Presentation

On behalf of all the Boston-area and West Coast attendees of Boston DITA UG meeting earlier today, I wanted to thank Michael and Carlos for a succinct and mightily persuasive overview of LwDITA. I have received numerous emails, Slacks, ad text messages from attendees asking for the slides, recording, and follow-up links to LwDITA resources. 

Wow!! We have not seen that amount of engagement and interest very often, so that bodes well for LwDITA and its acceptance in the general DITA community. 

Great job! We owes ya's some clam chowdah and lawbstah when you visit owah fayah city.

Honestly -- thanks so much. Feels good to be part of a community figuring this stuff out. 

Stan Doherty
Bob Johnson

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