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dita-lightweight-dita message

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Subject: Is the Open OASIS LwDITA repo still needed?

The Open OASIS repo at https://github.com/oasis-open/dita-lightweight was opened in 2018, before it was possible to to have an official OASIS repo for the LwDITA spec work.

If the subcommittee thinks that the repo is still needed, I suggest that the description and statement of purpose be revised. This repo does not store the grammar files for LwDITA; those and the spec source are in the "Official" LwDITA repo at https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita-lwdita

Current statement of purpose:
The Lightweight DITA OASIS Open repository will contain schema files, tools and documents related to developing a specification for a light version of DITA. These files will be set up to be as useful as possible for people who want to use them and contribute to them.


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
OASIS Distinguished Contributor
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC
+1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)

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