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dita-lightweight-dita message

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Subject: Another spec question - about code phrases

Hello from the DITA-OT day conference, where questions are coming up about Lightweight DITA.

One question in particular is about code phrase support in MDITA. It is not allowed today, I was wondering if that has come up as an issue or if there is any thought of adding it? At least one prominent tool for working with LwDITA has dropped support for the commonly used back-tick markup for code phrases, because it is not actually allowed by the spec -- the back-ticks are now ignored and the content renders as a simple phrase without the expected monospace style.

If code phrases cannot be allowed in MDITA, would it be possible to add the tt element from the highlighting domain? LwDITA already includes almost that whole domain, so it would not have the concern of bringing in an element from the software domain. That would allow MDITA files to recognize back-tick markup and let complying processors retain the expected formatting.


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