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Subject: Re: [dita] Why There are Constraints on Conref

Michael, I support implementing your proposal in 1.2. Consider the confusion in the field re: conref'ing, task, and general-task for folks who have not been in this conversation. There will always be a certain amount of confusion with a transition such as the one from DITA1.1 to DITA1.2 ... let's optimize for differentiation and clarity.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Priestley" [mpriestl@ca.ibm.com]
Date: 09/25/2009 03:59 PM
CC: "dita" <DITA@LISTS.OASIS-OPEN.ORG>, "Jeff Ogden" , rob@ascan.ca, "Su-Laine Yeo"
Subject: Re: [dita] Why There are Constraints on Conref

Eliot, I think that's an eloquent description of the rationale for the current situation, and it's certainly where my thinking is coming from as well.

I did have a thought on how we might be able to achieve a compromise of sorts, preserving the strict validation that we both consider necessary for robust processes, while allowing for broader reuse scope in some of the cases Rob and others have been asking for (including task->general task).

Here's my thought:

- if the doctype developer knows upfront whether a constraint is just an authoring guideline or whether it's a strict business requirement, they could annotate the constraint on inclusion
- constraints noted as "weak" would be ignored by conref validation, and would be considered unreliable by processors, which would need to assume the constraint wasn't there as well

- group A introduces a constraint that makes title in fig required - they have a figlist generator that depends on this, so they make the constraint required - if someone tries to conref from a place that allows title-less figs, they'll get an error, and will have to negotiate with the other team to introduce the constraint in their shared content
- group B introduces a constraint that makes <ul> unavailable in <p>, because they think it's simpler for their authors. But they don't depend on it, the output looks the same whether they allow <ul> inside <p> or not, and they may need to conref content from another team that doesn't use the constraint. So they make the constraint "weak" instead of required.

Technical complexity:
- add a flag to constraints to indicate when they are included as "weak" - eg - domains=" w(myconstraint) "
- add a check to conref validation that ignores weak constraints when determining validity

If we wanted to, we could then implement our strict task as a weak constraint, so it would be able to conref from loose task.

I think this might address the concerns of both sides - it gives us strong constraints when there are business or processing requirements on the constrained structure, but allows reuse in other cases.

All that said, I'm very aware of how late in the cycle we are, and I don't think the cross-constraint use case is actually going to come up that often. So there's probably a few questions to ask:

- is this a useful idea?
- does it address the use cases of both sides?
- if it is, is it useful enough to change in 1.2, or should it wait till 1.3?

Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
Lead IBM DITA Architect

From: ekimber <ekimber@reallysi.com>
To: <rob@ascan.ca>, Su-Laine Yeo <su-laine.yeo@justsystems.com>, Michael Priestley/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Cc: dita <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>, Jeff Ogden <jogden@ptc.com>
Date: 09/24/2009 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [dita] Why There are Constraints on Conref

On 9/24/09 10:23 PM, "Rob Hanna" <rob@ascan.ca> wrote:

>> They might be making content outside
>> their environment unusable *by them*
>> but they would not be making their
>> content unusable to others who use fewer
>> constraints.
> What if instead of having fewer constraints, they have different constraints?
> This is not simply a matter of just two task variations. Over time the
> variations of standard topic types introduced through constraints will grow.

This is why you have the domains attribute at all: so you can analyze the
constraints at use in two DITA documents to determine if they are
compatible. This at least lets you detect this situation early, rather than
late (such as after a publication has been published).

> For example, consider one possible scenario I see where this might present a
> problem:
> "Over the course of several years a department's style guide changes several
> times through reorgs and acquisitions - each time enforced with a different
> set of constraints introduced. There is no budget to convert the older
> content. Over time reuse opportunities are lost and content must be duplicated
> to suit different doc sets written to adhere to separate constraints."
> As it stands now, constraints do not deprecate gracefully as would domain
> specializations. Even substructures within structurally specialized content
> can generally be reused safely.

Note that it is *easy* to remove constraints: you simply update your shells
to stop including the constraint modules. No need to modify the documents

That means that given two sets of content that have incompatible constraints
you can make them compatible by changing their governing shells to be less

But in fact I think what you are expressing is a problem inherent in any
interoperation situation. DITA isn't changing the fact that two
interchanging communities might have divergent rules over time such that
there may be data and processing interoperation problems: that's an
unavoidable fact of life.

What DITA is saying is "we're giving you a way to detect that case early,
rather than late" and make an informed decision about how to react.

In practice I think most DITA users will tend to avoid constraints simply
because any constraint, by its nature, tends to impede bidirectional

The only reason we're having this discussion at all is because DITA 1.0
inherited an over-constrained task model from IBM, something we should have
fixed in 1.1 but didn't. It's only now that we have the constraint mechanism
that we can fix the problem (overconstrained tasks) in a way that allows
backward compatibility without having to define a completely different task
base type and specialization.

> This is an issue that can only get more complex over time. In my opinion,
> processors must be designed to handle the base (or call it general or loose)
> structures with warnings to ensure seamless exchange of content.

But it's not that easy: there may be processing cases where it would be at
best wrong, at worst impossible, to properly process and render
unconstrained content in a constrained context, because the constraints are
there, in that case, to enable or ensure a particular presentation. So you
can't simply say "processors have to be able to process any combination of



Eliot Kimber | Senior Solutions Architect | Really Strategies, Inc.
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