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Subject: Re: [dita] Branch filtering (proposal 13059a)

Robert, et al,

For reference, attached is the functional specification for the Arbortext implementation of branch filtering via referenced DITAVAL. Thanks to Dave Helfinstine and PTC for making this content available.


Title: Chapter 1. Associating DITAVAL Files with Maps

Chapter 1. Associating DITAVAL Files with Maps

Starting with this release, you will be able to associate one or more DITAVAL files with some or all of a map. This allows a great deal of flexibility. If a map should always be published with a given set of rules, you can associate those rules directly with the map without having to specify them every time the map is published. You can also specify different profiling settings for different sections in the same map.

To associate a DITAVAL file with a map, reference it via a data element within topicmeta with a name attribute of ditavalref and an href attribute referencing the DITAVAL file.

<data name="ditavalref" href="" />

When resolving references to DITAVAL files, the ditapath setting will be consulted.

The portion of the map affected by a DITAVAL file referenced in this way is contained by the parent topicref of such a reference, including the topicref itself. More specifically, it applies to:

  • The parent topicref of the DITAVAL reference.

  • The topic or map, if any, referenced by that topicref.

  • All markup, including topicmeta contents and topicref elements, occurring within the map branch encapsulated by the parent topicref, except for other DITAVAL references.

  • Any topics or maps referenced via topicref within the branch encapsulated by the parent element of the DITAVAL reference, except where the topicref that references the file is excluded by the effective DITAVAL rules.

So to affect an entire map, place the reference within topicmeta within the root-level map element. To have the rules apply only for part of the map, place the reference within the topicmeta of a topicref (or specialization thereof) containing the region of the map structure to which the rules should apply.


This design was discussed at the DITA Technical Committee meeting on November 29, 2011 and met with provisional approval. The minutes for this meeting can be found at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/download.php/44501/latest/minutes20111129.txt.

One of the things that will likely be part of the DITA 1.3 proposal is the ability to duplicate a section of a map (or 'branch' in DITA terminology), once for each DITAVAL file associated with that branch. We will not be supporting this use-case in this release. We will treat the DITAVAL associations as additive, and apply all files to the specified region. We expect the markup for the branch duplication use-case to be different from what we're using.

Rules for Multiple References

DITAVAL associations are additive. If two DITAVAL files are referenced at the same level in the map, both sets of rules apply at that level. If the two files contain rules for the same attribute-value pair, the rules from the first file in document order take precedence. Similarly, if a parent scope and a child scope both reference DITAVAL files, the effective rule set for the inner scope will be the combination of the rules in the two files. Where there are rules for matching attribute-value pairs for both the parent and the child scope, the rules from the parent scope overrule those in the child scope. This allows top-level map authors to override the DITAVAL rules specified in child maps.

Any DITAVAL specified via the composition UI for the whole map is considered to have "global" scope. Normal additivity rules apply for DITAVAL references within the map, with the global DITAVAL file being considered the top-level rule set.

Note that traditional Arbortext profiling occurs in addition to DITAVAL processing. Since DITAVAL processing is part of the DITA preprocessing done before standard publishing, DITAVAL filtering occurs before profiling is applied.

DITAVAL Association by Key Reference

Note that the data element supports the keyref attribute. When specified, the keyref will be resolved the same as any other reference. So, for example, you could specify this DITAVAL association in your map:

<data name="ditavalref" keyref="productDitaval" />

And define the "productDitaval" key just like any other key definition, elsewhere in the map.

<keydef keys="productDitaval" format="ditaval" href="" />

Filtering of DITAVAL References

Note that DITAVAL references can, themselves, be marked for conditional processing. DITAVAL references can not be filtered by rules from other DITAVAL references. They can only be filtered from the rules passed in via composition parameters. This is because the act of finding DITAVAL references must happen before DITAVAL filtering from those references can occur.

For example, consider this:

<topicref href="">
    <data name="ditavalref" href="" product="ProjectY" />

This says, essentially, "When publishing for Project Y, flag expert regions in red." However, the filtering of this DITAVAL reference based on @product will only occur based on rules from the DITAVAL passed in to the composition operation. If a higher scope references a DITAVAL file that would exclude product="ProjectY", that filtering will be ignored. So this has no effect:

  <title>Map Title</title>
    <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
  <topicref href="">
      <!-- This will not be filtered out
           because one ditaval reference cannot
           remove others -->
      <data name="ditavalref"
             product="ProjectY" />


Example 1.1. Appling a DITAVAL File to an Entire Map

You can specify DITAVAL rules for a whole map structure by referencing it from topicmeta within the top-level map element.

<map xml:lang="en">
  <!-- the <ph> tags will be filtered using the rules in expert.ditaval -->
    <ph audience="Expert">Expert</ph>
    <ph audience="Novice">Novice</ph>

    <data name="ditavalref" href="" />

  <!-- All topics will be filtered via 'expert.ditaval' -->
  <topicref href="" />
  <topicref href="" />

Example 1.2. Profiling the Same TOC with Different Rules

You can use DITAVAL association to have the same set of topics filtered differently by wrapping them in different "wrapper" maps with different DITAVAL associations.

<map xml:lang="en">
  <title>Expert Instructions</title>
    <data name="ditavalref" href="" />

  <mapref href="" />

<map xml:lang="en">
  <title>Novice Instructions</title>
    <data name="ditavalref" href="" />

  <mapref href="" />

Example 1.3. Different DITAVAL Rules for Different Sections of a Map

You can use different DITAVAL rules at different locations in the same map structure. In the example below, content affected by teacher.ditaval will be highlighted in green, and content affected by student.ditaval will be highlighted in orange.

<map xml:lang="en">
  <title>Teacher's Guide</title>

  <!-- Section One -->
  <topichead navtitle="Section One (Teacher)">
      <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
    <topicref href=""/>
  <topichead navtitle="Section One (Student)">
      <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
    <topicref href=""/>

  <!-- Section Two -->
  <topichead navtitle="Section Two (Teacher)">
      <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
    <topicref href=""/>
  <topichead navtitle="Section Two (Student)">
      <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
    <topicref href=""/>

Example 1.4. DITAVAL Rule Additivity

Let's say you had two DITAVAL files.

  • ProjectX.ditaval:

      <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
      <prop att="otherprops" val="Green" action="" color="green" />
  • ProjectY.ditaval:

      <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
      <prop att="product" val="ProjectY" action="" />
      <prop att="otherprops" val="Red" action="" color="red" />

When these two DITAVAL files are referenced from nested topicrefs in a map, the effect for the inner scope will be the same as if you took the prop elements from the 'inner' scope and appended them to the DITAVAL file from the 'outer' scope.

  <topicref href="">
      <data name="ditavalref" href="" />
    <topicref href="">
        <data name="ditavalref" href="" />

In this example, only the rules in ProjectX.ditaval apply to topic1.dita, but the effective DITAVAL rules for topic2.dita will be the combination of the rules from ProjectX.ditaval and ProjectY.ditaval:

  <!-- From ProjectX -->
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
  <prop att="otherprops" val="Green" action="" color="green" />

  <!-- From ProjectY. Since product="ProjectX" is already -->
  <!-- defined, the second rule is ignored. -->
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectY" action="" />
  <prop att="otherprops" val="Red" action="" color="red" />

So the effective action for product="ProjectX" is "include." If the order were reversed, and ProjectY were referenced from the outer scope and ProjectX from the inner scope, the effective rules at topic2.dita would be reversed:

  <!-- From ProjectY -->
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectY" action="" />
  <prop att="otherprops" val="Red" action="" color="red" />

  <!-- From ProjectX -->
  <prop att="product" val="ProjectX" action="" />
  <prop att="otherprops" val="Green" action="" color="green" />

So the effective rule for product="ProjectX" is "exclude."

On May 20, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Robert D Anderson <robander@us.ibm.com> wrote:

Hi Stan - that alternate organization would be functionally the same, but
would require maintaining three copies of the branch. In most cases where
we have found the branch filtering to be useful, the branch (in this
example the install instructions) is much deeper, sometimes with a large
number of topics. Placing the three <ditavalref> together in one branch --
either using this method or using something like the <topicmeta> version
Eliot and Chris mentioned -- means that the author only maintains the one
common organization.

In the case where it really is one topic - I think your sample would indeed
be easier to picture for the author, or for somebody trying to understand
this concept - but it will get painful if you are trying to work with a big
chunk of content.

Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit (http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/)

From: Stan Doherty <stan@modularwriting.com>
To: Robert D Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS,
Cc: dita <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: 05/20/2013 16:31
Subject: Re: [dita] Branch filtering (proposal 13059a)

Thanks -- I am now grokking your multi-platform example.

When published, the TOC would contain the following chapters:
1. What's new
2. Installing on Mac
3. Installing on Windows
4. Installing on Linux
5. Common tasks
6. Reference info
7. Appendixes / etc

Although I still imagine it as being organized with a flat, 1:1 ratio of
topics and ditavalref calls. Would this one work as well? the same?

<topicref href="">
  <ditavalref href=""/>
<topicref href="">
  <ditavalref href=""/>
<topicref href="">
  <ditavalref href=""/>



On May 20, 2013 at 3:00 PM Robert D Anderson <robander@us.ibm.com> wrote:
Hi Stan,

I think it would depend on what you mean by "two-pass" / how you
filtering. In the prototype implementation I've got now, it uses 2
mostly to simplify that processing.

We specify a global set of DITAVAL conditions at the start of a process -

those apply to everything, and we filter as we first encounter each
element, so that anything filtered out is removed that first possible

Further along in our processing stream, we duplicate the branch of
for each extra set of conditions, filtering as we do so.

As to the usefulness, a more extensive example might be helpful. Imagine
set of content where virtually everything is common - concepts, reference

info, "how to use", even most of the tasks within the product; however,
install instructions differ by platform, as in the sample below. The
below allows us to create all of our information at once - all of the
common info is processed and appears in the final product docs only once:

<topicref>"What's new" branch...</topicref>
<topicref>Installing as below, with 3 ditavalref conditions</topicref>
<topicref>"Common tasks" branch</topicref>
<topicref>"Reference info" branch...</topicref>
<topicref>Appendixes / index / etc</topicref>

When published, the TOC would contain the following chapters:
1. What's new
2. Installing on Mac
3. Installing on Windows
4. Installing on Linux
5. Common tasks
6. Reference info
7. Appendixes / etc

The primary alternatives we have for creating this today are:
*) Three documents, each filtered for one OS. Makes online searching
difficult because results for most sections appear 3 times, 2/3 chance of

following into the wrong book
*) Publish the install section on its own, outside of this document,
something like Eclipse to dynamically pull together
*) Publish most of these independently and then assemble together

I believe this was the main use case that led us down the path of
filters in a branch -- a case where most information in a large document
common, but just a few sections differ for platform or audience. The main

problem with that was the search one, where building the document once
each condition results in many search hits for the common pages.

Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit (http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/)

From: Stan Doherty <stan@modularwriting.com>
To: Robert D Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS, dita
Date: 05/20/2013 14:39
Subject: Re: [dita] Branch filtering (proposal 13059a)

Hi Robert --

I like this very much -- but have to confess that I am still gnawing on
usefulness of your use case (below). Would this require two-pass

The more complex case allows a single branch to be published for multiple

audiences, without having to redefine the branch. For example:
<topicref href="">
<ditavalref href=""/>
<ditavalref href=""/>
<ditavalref href=""/>
...other topicrefs...

In this case there is common set of install instructions that differs for

mac, linux, and windows. The goal is to be able to define this map
once, while allowing it to be published for each different audience /
platform / etc. So in this case, a rendered version of the content would
have three instances of the content in install-instructions.dita, each

a different set of filters applied.


On May 15, 2013 at 2:13 PM Robert D Anderson <robander@us.ibm.com> wrote:

Before I really dig in to writing up the stage 2 proposal, I want to
some initial feedback on the direction I'm heading (based on very

prototypes we have in IBM right now).

The idea is primarily to apply filtering to a subset of your content,
rather than to the whole information set. At the same time, it allows

set of content to be created / published once for multiple audiences.

current plan is to do this by specifying a ditaval file from within
map, so that it only applies to that section of the map. For cases
where a ditaval file is specified for an entire set of information,

conditions would continue to apply to all content, taking precedence

any additional rules based on the design below.

For the simple case, one subset of your map could be built as follows:
<topicref href="">
<ditavalref href=""/>
...other topicrefs...

The ditavalref (with a default of format="ditaval") is treated as
for the parent, much like <subjectref> statements from our

domain. The meaning here is that startBranch.dita and its children

be processed using the ditaval "novice.ditaval". This is really the
case - a branch of content uses a specific set of DITAVAL conditions

do not impact the rest of the map.

The more complex case allows a single branch to be published for

audiences, without having to redefine the branch. For example:
<topicref href="">
<ditavalref href=""/>
<ditavalref href=""/>
<ditavalref href=""/>
...other topicrefs...

In this case there is common set of install instructions that differs

mac, linux, and windows. The goal is to be able to define this map
once, while allowing it to be published for each different audience /
platform / etc. So in this case, a rendered version of the content
have three instances of the content in install-instructions.dita, each
a different set of filters applied.

So that is the idea at a very high level. As mentioned, we have a

prototype in IBM today. It's limited both because we did not want to go

far ahead of the standard, and because it allowed us to avoid some of

trickier questions until OASIS had a chance to weigh in. Some of the
limits / open questions from our prototype:

If generating 3 copies of each topic in a branch, how are they named?
have a solution we are using, but I'm not sure if that belongs in the
standard or if it should be implementation dependent.
What happens if you reference a ditaval within a branch that already
references a ditaval? This got very tricky, especially for naming, so
our prototype just says "no" right now.
At one point we discussed using <ditavalref> as a parent of the branch,

but that made hierachies / linking tricky, and also prohibited the more

complex use case above of using one branch with multiple profiles.
Our implementation has always applied filters at the start of the
process, for reasons discussed at length on this and other lists. That
is still the case for ditaval files specified at a global level, but
the internal ditaval references, we are processing them much later in
the chain. When making multiple copies, each copy must exist (as a
in memory, whatever) before individual filters are applied; apart from
that, I'm not 100% sure what effect processing order has. I know that
process it after most other steps run, which significantly reduces
processing time versus copying all files at the start and then doing
full processing on each.

Thanks for the read ... thoughts from the TC?

Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit (http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/)

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