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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 26 Nov 2013 uploaded

Submitter's message
Action Items:
1. note @longdescre (in additional to @longdescref) in 'object' element as errata; mark for removal at 2.0
2. Eliot will look at 13001 as well as his mail re: conref'ing content that contains xrefs, and see if there's any spec language required to make them work.
3. All TC members will review Tony Self's new versions of 13060/13061 wrt @ua-windowref being changed to @ux-windowref.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Recorded by N. Harrison

regrets: Scott Hudson, Deb Bissantz, Mark Myers

Standing Business
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00154.html (19 November, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Don, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports
none (TechComm SC: 3 December)


1. DITA 1.3 progress
Progress: 18-24 November 2013: X
Status of proposals in progress and in review: X
Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/gPKH0OcF
Kris gave overview: for 13056 & 13059a, Robert will upload reviewed version today; he'll also do his final reviews of any proposals for which he is a reviewer asap.
Kris asked Robert about 13121; Michael ezxpects to finish that this week.
Wrt 13106, Kris asked for a substitute reviewer for Dawn; she asked Eliot & John if they're comfortable sending it forward to TC without Dawn's input.
Joann countered that she felt Dawn's input is very important; she'd like Dawn to try it out on some of the content she's struggling with.
Eliot: if Dawn can turn it around by COB Fri, Eliot can turn it around for next week.
Kris; hopefully we can see this next week...

2. DITA 1.3 proposals, stage 3

- Ready for vote:

Proposal 13102: Release management (Cihak; Reviewers: Don Day, David Helfinstine)
Moved by Joann, 2nded by Stan, approved unanimously by TC
Yes votes: Anderson, Day, Doherty, Eberlein, Hackos, Hamilton, Harrison, Helfinstine, Kimber, Magliery, Nitchie

Proposal 13001: Same topic URI reference syntax (Helfinstine; Reviewers: Deb Bissantz, Dick Hamilton, Eliot Kimber)
Moved by David, 2nded by Chris, approved unanimously by TC
Yes votes: Anderson, Day, Doherty, Eberlein, Hackos, Hamilton, Harrison, Helfinstine, Kimber, Magliery, Nitchie

Proposal 13059: New mechanism for overriding default cascading rules for metadata (Anderson; Reviewers: Kris Eberlein, David Helfinstine)
Moved by Robert, 2nded by David, approved unanimously by TC
Yes votes: Anderson, Day, Doherty, Eberlein, Hackos, Hamilton, Harrison, Helfinstine, Kimber, Magliery, Nitchie

Proposal 13119: SVG Domain (Kimber; Reviewers: Nancy Harrison, Deb Bissantz)
Moved by Eliot, 2nded by Nancy, approved unanimously by TC
Yes votes: Anderson, Day, Doherty, Eberlein, Hackos, Hamilton, Harrison, Helfinstine, Kimber, Magliery, Nitchie

Proposal 13035: XML mention domain (Kimber; Reviewers: Tom Magliery, David Helfinstine)
Moved by Eliot, 2nded by Tom, approved unanimously by TC
Yes votes: Anderson, Day, Doherty, Eberlein, Hackos, Hamilton, Harrison, Helfinstine, Kimber, Magliery, Nitchie

- Ready for discussion:
Proposal 13104, keyref on object (Kimber; Reviewers: Robert Anderson, Dick Hamilton)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00084.html (DITA, uploaded 14 November 2013)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00083.html (PDF, uploaded 14 November 2013)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00082.html (HTML, uploaded 14 November 2013)
Eliot gave an overview; the proposal adds key references to and as alternatives to direct URI references from and
elements. The idea is to bring 'object' & 'param' in line with all the other elements that access resources thru either URIs or keyrefs. It doesn't change the semantics of either element, just gives new attributes;
Robert; It seems a little odd to have different keyref @'s for each value, but there's just no other way to do it...
Eliot; right, an object element can point to 4 different things, but they're coming out of HTML; a parameter can also point to an object (a URI ref...)
Tom brought up the existence of an apparent typo in the proposal: it occurs on page 5 in the PDF version. list of atts on objects longdescre?
Robert noted that the typo is a legacy typo from long ago. For compatibility reasons, it can't be removed, though in the long run (2.0?) it should certainly go on a list of things to be cleaned up. And it should also be included in any list of errata for 1.3.
Action item: make sure above errata is included in 1.3 errata list.
include that in minutes;
Resolution; this proposal will be voted on next week

Proposal 13041: Facility for key-based, cross-deliverable referencing (Kimber; Reviewers: Jim Tivy, Chris Nitchie)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00117.html (PDF, uploaded 16 November 2013)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00116.html (HTML, uploaded 16 November 2013)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00118.html (DITA, uploaded 16 November 2013)
Eliot gave an overview; his final work on this was to make sure that his terminology matched Chris's from 13004 (scoped keys). The basic idea is that you can now represent a reference from one publication root map to another publication represented by a different root map. You do it by defining a keyscope ="peer" to a new map.
Tom; in one example, there's a topicref to an href with a '..' what's that?
Eliot; that's representing that the path has to go up one level in a directory above the one in that map.
Joann; what is the significance of that?
Eliot; this was never available or defined in the DITA spec before.
Joann; So this is a link from one document to another document
Eliot; Yes, e.g., this allows us to publish the DITA lang. reference separately from the arch. spec., but have all the xrefs work. Writers have always needed to do that, but DITA never gave us a real way to do it before.
Resolution; this proposal will be voted on next week

Proposal 62: Table accessibility (Reviewers: Eliot Kimber, Don Day, Stan Doherty(?))
This proposal will wait till Scott is on the call

Proposal 13060: Enhancement to (Help SC; Reviewers: Scott Hudson, Deb Bissantz, Robert Anderson)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00210.html (HTML, uploaded 25 November 2013)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00211.html (DITA, uploaded 25 November 2013)
Kris; This seems to be related to 13061, which will be covered in Agenda item #4, so we'll discuss this with that topic
Stan; yes, let's do that.

3. New item: "Same Topic Reference and Conrefs and Scoped Keys"
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00081.html (Kimber, 13 November 2013)
Eliot gave an overview; This is wrt; what is the right result if you have a conref, an the conref'd object has an xref? [see his mail above]. His mail posits 4 possible situations, and proposes rules for dealing with each case.
David; Eliot's suggestions are incorporated into 13001 in a modified form, so the ambiguity is avoided/handled.
At Kris's request, Eliot agreed to look at 13001 and see if there's any spec language required to make this work
Action Item: Eliot will look at 13001 as well as his mail, and see if there's any spec language required to make them work.

4. New item: 13061: UA window definition: Stan requested that the TC discuss an element renaming question from Tony Self (note between Anderson, Day, Tony, Stan)
Stan gave an overview; the proposal originally introduced an element 'ua-window'; but if we want to keep it in sync with general online help usage and the HTML Standard, we should rename it to ''ux-window.' This impacts both 13060 and 13061, since in 13060, we have a topicref specialization to the above element, which was originally called 'ua-windowref'; that should also be renamed to 'ux-windowref' for consistency.
Tom; there are other 'ua-' items in 13061; what should be done about those?
Stan; wrt changing them, we're damned if we do, damned if we don't, since the 'us' string is also widely used in help technology. This will create inconsistency, but we don't see an alternative.
Tom; it doesn't really bother me, but will it bother anyone else?
Don; To reassure folks; this is not a design change, but simply a renaming..
Robert (a reviewer) didn't have any comments.
Nancy; can we see updates for both of these?
Don; Tony has already put out the change for 13060
Resolution; TC will discuss these changes next week.

5. DITA 1.3 infrastructure
Kris gave an overview; Bob Thomas reworked the plugins to work better. Robert is working on prototyping a better attribute mechanism. Kris has been incorporating 1.3 changes into the spec. Eliot is working on generating new content info (contains/containedby tables ) with RNG.

meeting closed at 11:50

-- Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 26 Nov 2013

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Submitter: Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2013-12-02 15:42:06

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