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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 October 2014 uploaded

Submitter's message
Eliot will update RNG and transforms to implement the TC's decisions on maintaining backwards compatibility wrt @longdescre in 'object' and @collection-type="tree" in linklist/linkpool within base topic module. see https://trello.com/c/JM3CYsFR/12-fix-bug-in-definition-of-collection-type-in-dtd
and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00037.html for more detail.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: none

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00186.html (21 October, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Don, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports
Help SC: scheduled for 4 Nov.

18 Nov. TC meeting cancelled (too many members at DITA Europe)
4 Nov, 11 Nov, regrets from Nancy, Dick will do minutes

1. DITA 1.3 progress
Second spec review (Eberlein & Anderson)
Transformation utilities and DITA 1.3 grammar files (Kimber)
[see specific agenda items below]

2. Action items
- Action items from 26 August 2014:
Nancy will review specialization and constraints topics, with the purpose of: a) suggesting placement for new topic or content chunk, b) reviewing for clarity, organization, technical accuracy. This is in regard to content re limitations of XSD shells and constraints. (Waiting on Kris to generate new versions of spec, which was done 7 October 2014)
Nancy; currently working on above topics; will continue and provide feedback by Thurs 30 Oct.
- Action items from 2 September:
Stan to assess Front Page wiki for possible clean-up
Stan; will complete this by end of week (Fri.)

3. 2nd spec review progress: 13 - 27 October 2014
- https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/1.3-spec-review-#preview
Wiki page contains:
Download link for official review draft
Review objectives
Tracking tables for review assignments
Information about prizes (yet to be determined)
- Review stats as of 7:30 AM ET, 28 October 2014:

Kris; we've gotten a lot of good reviews, will give everyone another few days [thru Friday], except for Eliot, who's already provided a huge number of comments.
Robert; the number of Eliot's comments have pushed our review date out. we really need reviews by folks other than Eliot, especially around keys; i.e., we need reviews from people who don't know keys so well.
Kris; we will need another round of review for key-based comments, which Robert, ChrisN, and I will then need to go over.
Robert; that second round will have to include getting rid of extra verbiage, even if its nice...
[there were offers from various TC members to help with review, which Kris and Robert declined.]
Seth; should folks try to implement Eliot's non-technical comments?
Joann; what do you want done?
Robert,Kris; not sure yet; DITAweb is great for collecting comments, but not so good at helping to integrate them.
[discussion of how complete and how 'perfect' the 1.3 spec needs to be]
Stan; I'd be glad to help with putting in small edits.
Kris; we really need to get this spec out; it's already very far past our original dates.

- Proposal owners' review
Table of proposal owner reviews
Kris; all owners have done their reviews, which is very good.

4. Trello items: Spec clarification and improvements

5. DITA MIME type
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00159.html (Hunt, 24 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00164.html (Anderson, 24 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00166.html (Robin Cover, 24 October 2014)
Robert gave an overview; I was editing non-normative sections in the spec; the 1.2 spec says that we're setting up a DITA mime type and that it's final. For the time being, I'm commenting it out of spec. Unless someone is actively pursuing it, shouldn't be any mention of it in spec; we can still pursue it. I talked to JohnH about it; he said they (Web SC) would look into it.
Kris; I support commenting it out. Robin Cover responded and said OASIS would work on it, but we'd still need to have a TC member own this. I'll send email to Scott Hudson since he was interested, but if he can't do it, we'll let Robin know we're not doing it for now.

6. Statements of use for DITA 1.3
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00114.html (Eberlein, 20 October 2014)
Eliot: Clients use learning2, MathML, and XML mention domain
Eberlein: Clients use XML mention & updated highlighting domain; DITAVALref
Troubleshooting topic: In use by Avaya, GE, and Skyward
Troubleshooting topic: Planned to be used by Ericsson and various Japanese companies
Kris; we need some more of these; I'll send out Chet Ensign's full description of these, to help in getting good ones.
Joann; we're working on getting a few others.
Seth; at Freescle, we're using 1.3, but we've removed a lot of the 1.3 functionality, so it's more like 1.2.
Don; are you using constraints a la 1.3?
Seth; I'll check that.

7. Reminder about OASIS process for DITA 1.3 / Length of time required
Kris; all TC members please review this; I will be discussing with Robert the possibility of how to get back on track wrt our schedule.

8. Continued item: Issues in DTDs checked into SVN --
New e-mail (since 21 Oct)
- DTD and XSD Generation Testing: Exemplars (Kimber, 22 October 2014)
- Entity definition comparison between legacy 1.2 DTDs and RNG-sourced 1.2 DTDs (Thomas, 23 October 2014)
- Commit of Interim Generated DTDs and XSDs (Kimber, 23 October 2014)
Old e-mail discussed at 21 Oct. TC meeting
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00110.html (Anderson, 20 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00111.html (Kimber, 20 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00112.html (Anderson, 20 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00113.html (Eberlein, 20 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00115.html (Anderson, 20 October 2014)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201410/msg00116.html (Kimber, 20 October 2014)

Bob; I didn't find all that many problemsin my entity definition comparison.
Kris; Eliot, have you been able to fix the problems Bob found?
Eliot; I think so
Kris; i notice they now have public IDs
Robert; I put the new versions thru my tests and I didn't get any additional errors.
Eliot; I validated everywhere in the spec where there was a new examples; as a side effect, I found some issues with the RNG versions; I'm pretty sure things are conformant with 1.3 today. If anyone would like to contribute test documents, that would be good; I'm not sure I have exhaustive tests.
Kris; a number of TC members volunteered to do some testing; David and Chris, could you do that now?
David, Chris; yes
Kris; between now and next week's TC meeting?
Chris; yes, David; maybe
Eliot; I've updated transforms to generate DTDs & schemas that will be able to be compared line by line and have generally the same format as the 1.2 versions.

11. On-going items: DITA 1.3

Lessons learned re proposal and review processes
What worked well?
What didn't work?
How can we improve the process in the future?
Normative terminology

Eliot; for next week, I posted a message about markup//terminology; can we discuss that next week?
Kris; Robert and I will have to think about that in our review; the question is; do we have the time to discuss and come to agreement on terminology, especially when the conflicts already exist at 1.1, 1.2.
Eliot; I think it's important; for example, the term 'navigation tree' may not be the right term for what we've used it for.
Robert; I also noticed a review comment where Eliot made a formal objection to something we'd already decided on, in this case an undocumented @collection-type value of 'tree' in the topic module, for the linklist/linkpool elements. This came up at the 14Jan2014 TC meeting; we discussed it and decided to leave it in the DTD and mark it as deprecated, and leave it out of the XSD schemas; the TC approved this.
Eliot; I don't remember the meeting when it was voted on.
Robert; a further concern; the TC had made that decision based on precedent, in 1.1, we noticed that 'object' in the DTD, but not XSD, included a @longdescre; we added @longdescref but left the error in for backwards compatibility. Eliot's RNG is making changes to XSDs that change out past decisions.
Eliot; I'll make changes on tree value on links and longdescre @.
Kris; there's also a Trello card on tree value on links
ActionItem: Eliot will update RNG and transforms to implement the TC's decisions on maintaining backwards compatibility wrt @longdescre in 'object' and @collection-type="tree" in linklist/linkpool within base topic module. see https://trello.com/c/JM3CYsFR/12-fix-bug-in-definition-of-collection-type-in-dtd
and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00037.html for more detail.

closed at 11:54 EDT
-- Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 October 2014

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Submitter: Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2014-10-29 19:57:21

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