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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 31 March 2015 uploaded

Submitter's message
TC members should continue looking at linking topics.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: none

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00049.html (24 March 2015, Dick Hamilton)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Nancy, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports


1. Action items
- Action items from 2 December 2014:
Eliot: Move RNG-to-DTD-XSD generator code to GitHub
Eliot; working on it now
- Action items from 13 January 2015
Nancy and Kris: Schedule meeting with Jean-Jacques Thomasson
Kris; haven't been able to set up a time when Jean-Jacques could meet; if next week doesn't work, we'll shelve this, and meet at TC meeting when/if he can make it.
- Action items from 10 February 2015
Robert: Draft new normative languages about keys and subjectScheme
Robert; have been busy this week, hoping to get some this week
- Action items from 17 February 2015
Robert: Rewrite key definition precedence text (with input from Kris and Chris) and accommodate Eliot's concern
- Action items from 3 March 2015
Don: Follow-up on dita.xml.org call
Don; set up doodle, but some doodle issues; can we just meet after TC mtg to see when would work, primary; Don, Joann. Michael, Kris
- Action items from 10 March and 24 March 2015
All TC members: Review linking material and comment in DITA web
Kris; most people have reviewed linking; will leave it open just a bit longer

2. Report from Intelligent Content conference (Don Day, Michael Priestley)
Michael; interesting, it was originally a conference to bridge the gap between TechComm and marketing, but now its a very marketing-focused conference. Reuse was everywhere, but DITA wasn't; it was even edited out of my presentation title. It was mentioned, but not a focus at all. The audience showed a resistance (revulsion?) to anything too detailed or technical. I tried to get more marketing involvement in Lightweight DITA (LD) development.
Joann; all the more reason for folks to come to CMS conf in Chicago.
Michael; I tried to get them there
Don; I did contact Michelle Linn (sp?) and talked to her about the gap between the conference title and its exclusively marketing content; the gap between our expectations and what was actually there. I'm trying to get them to start a separate technical engineering track. This group is definitely an LD target, rather than any other DITA topic.

3. Targeted reviews progress: January - April 2015
- Progress on branch filtering: Comments assigned dispositions; editing in progress
- Processing etc.: All voting members are asked to participate
Feb 13-23: Branch filtering Branch filtering (14 pages) -- CLOSED
March 10-16: Linking Linking (10 pages)
Kris; more people reviewed the linking material; this morning I emailed some salient comments. many had problems with terminology in linking topics. Please continue looking at linking. Robert and I will go thru and come up with common recommendations on what to do with that material.

4. Linking DITAweb review
Participation (Eberlein, 31 March 2015)
Excerpts from the targeted review (Eberlein, 31 March 2015)
Kris; Bob brought up some issues. Don had a reaction to the thread.
Don; I have some concern tying DITA definitions simply to a map-based network; there's no such thing as a 'map-based' context for delivery. Someone could be using user profiles or site analytics to choose search targets. We can't assume they're using a DITA information network rather than a structured info network.
Bob; I wanted to talk about the overall concept of what it means to have a map-based system in DITA.
Don; We need to have a top level to the discussion, but I'm not sure whether it makes sense to put this discussion in the spec, maybe it should go in an implementer's guide?
Bob; There are a number of areas in the spec where the context is 'structure' i.e. branch filtering; this is the one thing that distinguishes DITA from other vocabularies, and we don't have a way to describe it.
Don; Also, we've got a great deal of discussion of what the DITA architecture is, that aren't appropriate to the spec. I'd rather it wasn't in the spec - it is now - but I won't lay down on the road to keep it out.
Kris; As a spec editor, i want to keep from adding any new terms unless they're really needed.
Robert; If we add new terms retroactively, it may exclude or seem to exclude things folks are already doing with that concept.
Chris; It sounds like there's disagreement on what this concept is; the time it could take to come to agreement could blow DITA 1.3 schedule out of the water.
Kris; I agree with that strongly, we're running out of time. if we have material we can't reach consensus on, we should consider pulling it from the spec.
Bob; i disagree, but I won't keep the spec from going out.

5. Continuing item: The whatever-we-call-it factor
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00022.html (Bob Thomas, 11 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00023.html (Stan Doherty, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00027.html (JoAnn Hackos, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00036.html (Don Day, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00037.html (Bob Thomas, 12 March 2015)
[this topic was, to some extent, a continuation from the previous agenda item]
Kris; I do think we need to define some things that need to be defined.
Eliot; They're defined in the spec, just not in the formal definitions section.
Kris; We're in a troubled spot, in that the definition of 'map tree' is not commonly agreed upon by TC members; It's differently understood. If we do need the term, we need a commonly understood, agreed-upon definition. and an agreed-upon place in the spec to put it.
Eliot; I'm trying to not put my oar in, my attempt obviously wasn't successful. I won't argue one way or other on linking language on this point.
Kris; We appreciate this; we will rely on your knowledge as we craft the language.
Michael; I have concerns, but don't want them to turn into a bottleneck for 1.3.
Kris; This is something to return to after 1.3; the TC could issue information outside the spec process.

6. Continuing item: Purpose of spec
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00029.html (Kris Eberlein, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00031.html (JoAnn Hackos, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00032.html (Michael Priestley, 12 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00035.html (Kris Eberlein, 12 March 2015)
[see above]

7. New item: Five fundamentals of DITA and core concepts
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00053.html (Tivy, 30 March 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201503/msg00056.html (Tivy, 30 March 2015)
Kris; email from JimT, came out of last weeks discussion; his concern that we didn't have enough basic conceptual info in spec
Jim; My first piece of email mimics 3.1.12 in the spec (what is DITA, 11 items). still wrestling with basics and concepts we do have, we should flesh them out. The second email came out of reviewing the linking spec, I dove in and emerged with more questions than answers. My first question was 'what is a link?'. When you put an address in some XML somewhere, you establish a relationship which can be followed in DITA, but also will be rendered as a link. This gets back to a data modeling problem, which gets back to the 'network of information' previously discussed. I want to put 'relationship' in the front seat and 'link' in the back seat.
Kris; Do you think your emails should be shelved along with above thread for 1.3?
Jim; The spec says 'a link is a rlationship between 2 objects". but what are those 2 objects? I think linking section of the spec brings in an important piece of DITA. At this point, it's out there for people to use who are wrestling with the concept. We don't need to take it any further.
[resolution; let this be till after 1.3]

11:47 ET - Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 31 March 2015

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2015-04-07 01:04:15

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