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Subject: Please RSVP: DITA TC Meeting needed tomorrow to correct DTD error
Radu Coravu has noticed a bug in the DTD file learningInteractionBase2Domain.mod, which was introduced as a result of the public review. Kris and I think this has to be corrected in the package built for the committee specification - it's not something we can put out as the official Committee Specification. We'd like to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow from 12 to 12:15 Eastern to vote on the updated package. Voting members: please RSVP to the list so that we know if we can get quorum to release an approved package.
Details follow:
During the public review, comments indicated that the optional @id attribute on <lcInteractionBase2> was marked as required.
The grammar files (DTD, RNG, and XSD) were manually corrected to define this element in the same way as others, and in the same way as elements specialized from <lcInteractionBase2>. Unfortunately in the DTD file , a double quote was missing from the updated definition, which should appear immediately before the %univ-atts; parameter entity:
<!ENTITY % lcInteractionBase2.attributes
The updated package will only correct that module as follows:
<!ENTITY % lcInteractionBase2.attributes
Thanks, and please RSVP to the list (or at least to Kris and myself) so that we know whether we will be able to get quorum at noon eastern tomorrow.
Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit (http://www.dita-ot.org/)
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