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Subject: Action items from today's call

Minutes to follow:

Action Items:
1. Kris will tweet a welcome via our new twitter feed  and also post a link to the 1.3 spec, and the committee note "Why 3 editions" on it.
2. Eric will test the XSD versions of the machine industry task to see if the tasktroubleshooting element is included.
3. Robert will add to the list of 2.0 items; redo conceptual topics in spec that describe the various topic types, duplicating the information in the content models.
4. Robert will add to the list of 2.0 items; consider the idea of a) separating technical content from base, b) separating machinery task specialization from technical content, and c) not including the machinery task as part of 2.0.
5. Kris will post the question 'who's using the machinery task? OOTB? as basis for creating company specific shells?'
6. Kris will add an item to weekly TC agenda for checkins on our 2 open Github repositories (Eliot's tools one and the LwD one) to track whether there has been any activity in either. 


Nancy Harrison
Infobridge Solutions 

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