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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 August 2016 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will contact Chet and Paul about reviewing errata01,
2. Kris will create a wiki page to record any style sheet issues in the errata01
3. Nancy will update errata wiki page to record team review commitments

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: Eric Sirois

Standing Business

Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201608/msg00053.html (Nancy Harrison, 9 August 2016)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Joe, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports

1. Action items
19 July 2016:
Kris: Update errata change listing to include info about grammar files (COMPLETED)
Keith: Discuss Google Analytics with OASIS staff (COMPLETED)
26 July 2016:
Kris: Communicate with Chet about our need to add informational topic about revision marking to modified DITA 1.3 specification. (COMPLETED)
Keith: Ping Chet about deadline for Google Analytics and DITA 1.3 errata (COMPLETED)
2 August 2016:
Kris: New errata 01 topic about revision marking to modified DITA 1.3 specification. (COMPLETED)
Kris: New errata 01 example topic about issue raised by Radu Coravu on dita-comment (COMPLETED)
Kris: New errata 01 example topic about correcting constraint for the machinery task (COMPLETED)
Bob: Add Google Analytics _javascript_ code to code for generating XHTML plug-in (COMPLETED)
Eliot: Modify grammar files to address MathML issue
Eliot; not yet
Robert: Produce initial draft of "DITA and DITA-OT" committee note
Robert; not done yet
Kris: Schedule meeting for small group working on "Upgrading" committee note
Kris; not done yet

2. Announcements:
New DITA TC members: None

3. Continuing item: DITA 1.3 errata
Team members:
Editors: Robert Anderson and Kris Eberlein
Style sheets: Bob Thomas
Build: Nancy Harrison and Bob Thomas
Reviews: Joe Storbeck
Google analytics: Keith Schengli-Roberts
Summary of work completed in last week:
DITA source
Style sheets
Kris; I added 3 new topcs to SVN; completed work on errata document
Bob; I have style sheets working; the build packages everything; it now does everything automatically except for zipping up the final 1.3 folder.
Download package from https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/download.php/58714/latest/dita-v1.3-errata01-csd01.zip
Review page: DITA-1.3-errata01 (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA-1.3-errata01)
Solicit volunteers for review tasks
Kris; we have a package out there; link is above. it's a complete package of everything. now with errata document as well. Everyone should have a DITAWeb account; review starts today; if anyone needs help, contact Joe. Once we've done review, we should have predictable process for errata builds, so it will be easier to do future erratas.
Kris; I know Bob sent a link via email to Chet and Paul to ask for review; did you hear back?
Bob; no
Kris; I'll contact them
Bob; how should we report finding bugs in the style sheets?
Kris; couple of options; a wiki page? can't ask people to put things in DITAWeb; for style sheet issues, we definitely don't want to do it via email, Let's do a wiki page.
1. Kris will contact Chet and Paul about reviewing errata01,
2. Kris will create a wiki page to record any style sheet issues in the errata01
3. Nancy will update errata wiki page to record team review commitments
Kris; we need to have all TC members reviewing the first couple of items, and named volunteers working on the following items (as follows);
Errata document All TC members
new topics in spec All TC members
rev marking in PDF Deb, Maria
rev markup HTML, CHM Tom, Stan
content models Robert, Eliot
DTD file for L&T Bob, Dawn
XSD files Eric,
DITA source (4 editions plus errata)
Chris, Kris
package structure (requires knowledge of OASIS reqs)
Bob, Nancy
Bob; the way to test package structure is to go off cover pages and verify that all the link targets open and are located under the 1.3 folder created by the build.
Eliot; btw, I didn't find the grammar files
Bob; They're there.
Kris; I'm looking in base package, and they're directly under the part1-base folder, not in a folder, but in a zip file.
Eliot; I've now made the update to the catalog file and committed it into SVN.
Kris; so it won't be in this package, but will include it in the next. We need to do this.

Kris; Let's end this meeting so folks can use the last half hour to do their reviews.

11:25 ET Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 August 2016

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2016-08-18 15:27:03

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