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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 4 April 2017 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. All TC members will think about what we want, don't want, to put on the xmldita.org TC communication page.
2. Kris will rebuild keys for errata publication per original DITA 1.3 design, modified to accommodate new requirements added by OASIS errata metadata
3. Nancy will set up Monday TC dinner for Apri conference.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

1. Roll call
Regrets: Dawn Stevens, Maria Essig, Stan Doherty, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie

2. Approve minutes from business meeting on 21 March 2017:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201703/msg00025.html (Nancy Harrison, posted 21 March 2017)
moved by Kris, 2nded by Scott, approved by TC

3. Announcements:
New TC members: None

4. Action items
[see posted agenda for items with no updates today]
07 March 2017:
Robert: Update DITA 2.0 process to include link to instructions for stage 3 reviewers / reinforce idea that reviewers need to validate proposals
- Rpbert; will do by next week if nnt done yet
21 March 2017
Kris: Post to L&T SC, TC list, and dita-users about closing L&T subcommittee if no leadership steps forward
Kris: Communicate formally with Dawn Stevens and Amber Swope about possibly closing L&T SC
- Kris; have just started these..

5. CMS/DITA North America conference
Who is attending? Presenting?
[most of voting members are attending; see website for presenters]
DITA TC meeting for 25 April cancelled
- Kris; we will do so, since we wouldn't be able to get a quorum;
TC dinner?
DITA TC dinner again? Organizer?
- Nancy will set up Monday dinner

6. Launch of new dita.xml.org Web site
DITA TC content on Web site
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201704/msg00004.html (Schengli-Roberts, 4 April 2017)
X (Eberlein, 4 April 2017)
Keith; all is going well new DITAWeb-enabled website will be re-launched around conference time. if you select DITA adoption group, or click on link led to page that collects all adoption stuff. So, what would you like for a DITA TC link comparable to that? besides specs, etc.?
- Kris; I want a better way for communication between TC and community; regular updates from TC to community.
- Keith; our plan is for a navigation page and featured item, so if there's a request from the TC to users on something, it will appear. Is there someone who wants to look after the TC page?
- Kris; that kind of note would probably come from me or one of the TC secretaries, coming out of TC concensus about what we need to communicate to users.
- Keith; should I put Kris, Nancy and Tom down as owners?
- Kris; yes, are there any comments on what TC should be putting out?
- Keith; do you want visibility to the 2.0 Trello page? meeting minutes? what granularity do you not want?
- Nancy; we need to think about it
- Kris; yeah, what would serve our purposes best?
- Kris; when will you need us to be done with this, so it looks good for the conference
- Keith, I'll know better on Thursday, I think Kris already does have access.
- Kris; please include Nancy, Tom and I on Thursday's meeting.
- Keith; at 4pm EST., will send out mail.
- Kris; and how should we use the site?
- Deb; any committee notes should be on it.
*** ActionItem; TC members will think about what we want, don't want, to put on the xmldita.org TC communication page.
- Keith; same I have the same question wrt material about LwD.
- Carlos; you should have good ideas since you (Keith_ are involved in LwD.
- Kris; we have to be careful; LwD is a component part of DITA, so how it's reflected on the site has to reflect that, It's not a 'pure' independent effort
- Carlos; do you have more guidance on that?
- Keith, on the site, everything is tagged with metadate; the metadata can make it clear that LwD is part of DITA TC work.
- Kris; wrt question about TC vs LwD news separation, we need to make sure that users have an understanding of relationship between TC and LwD., we need to avoid promulgating any notion that Lwd is separate from TC.
- Bob; of course, some folks still think that OT is the same as DITA...
- Keith; we have draft icons representing Adoption, DITA TC, and LwD, so people could find what they want easily.
- Bob; the best we can do is to show 'subcommittee' shows up with LwD.
- Kris; that sounds like a good approach; these are difficult perception problems.
- Robert; that perception problem does cause problems, especially within TC. In fact, the outcomes may not be so pressing for rest of community, as much as within TC community
- Kris; we can mitigate it, and make sure that OASIS work products do the best job we can to not blur the lines. so we have to do a bit of extra work to do that gracefully.
- Kris; we'll put dita.xml.org back on agenda for next week.
- Carlos; peopled don't know that LwD and DITA-OT aren't the same project.
'source of DITA goodness' as phrase of the week...

7. Reports from subcommittee:
7a. Lightweight DITA
Carlos; SC hasn't been very active; we're starting to produce things; Kris and I started drafting a CN and it will work like an initial 'proposal' for LwD; we have had several drafts, now ready to go for internal review (SC only) on DITAweb. We have several preesntations for the April conference; one by Stilo, Keith and leigh White are presenting for ixiasoft, and George Bina is also presenting soething related to LwD, i'm giving a report on survey on user's expectations for LwD,.and Kris touches on LwD in her talk. in the summer, I'll be presenting at ACM in Nova Scotia. working on updating DTDs relating to XDITA. users have been playing with DTDs. based on feedback, we've improved things. We've decided that MDITA will be presented as a profile, will represent very limited structure.
- Keith; one thing with MDITA, we've shifted from Common Mark to Github-flavored Markdown; if you're using Common Mark alone, you can't get MDITA features.
- Robert; with LwD, the idea is that all formats can map between all other; we're laying out a way to do DITA with Github-flavor Markdown, but there's nothing to keep you from doing it with Common Mark, we're just not giving you the markup as part of the spec.
- Carlos; we want people to bring Markdown topics to the DITA party and be able to use them.
- Keith; someone told me they'll use whichever Markdown flavor LwD chooses, he'll go along with that, so they're looking to us for guidance.
Don; the corollary is that if someone creates their own Markdown, it won't be tnteroperable with other people's Markdown.
- Mark; true.
- Robert; so you can use whatever flavor you want, but if you don't use the one we give a mapping for, it won't be as easy.

7b. Technical Communication
Bob; we're looking at 4 main thinsgs
1. separating techcomm from core spec. will have a draft plan ready within a week or so.
2. work on thinking about static programming inlines; will have a more formal proposal for TC, we want to talk about proliferation of domains.
3. what to do in 2.0 time frame to make bookmap more useful without breaking things. We're going slowly, waiting for the TC to get further on in defining a general publications map.
4. proposal for a diagnostic element for troubleshooting topic.
- Bob has a techcomm SC session at the April conference, 8:30 am Tuesday; he'll talk about these efforts; try to elicit direct feedback from attendees, see if he can get some other people to join SC.
- Kris; what's the title of your presentation?
- Bob; "DITA Technical Communications Subcommittee: Plans and needs for the future"
7c. General questions:
How often should we be getting reports from SCs?
[once a month from each SC is consensus; Kris will put on agenda]
- Bob; if we need to be on the agenda, we'll get on it outside of those times
- Kris; I want to know if there are ways I can help with both SCs. How active should I be?

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 4 April 2017

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2017-04-10 04:51:37

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