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Subject: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] DRAFT-19 Feedback

Stan, thanks you doing such a careful and critical reading. A few comments about the substantive points:

  • Yes, XDITA will be a subset of DITA 1.3 plus the new multimedia domain. (How I wish that we had introduced the multimedia domain in 1.3 ...)
  • Other points hinge around what claims we make for compatibility and interoperability, with the additional messiness of the multiple formats (XDITA, MDITA, and HDITA).
  • And regarding your final point:

    "Probably my real question runs, "Is LwDITA another XML silo that is functionally incompatible with DocBook, DITA 1.3, or DITA 2.0?" If I have a significant investment in DocBook, DITA 1.3, or DITA 2.0, do I need to abandon that investment when I implement a project in LwDITA? All four of these "products" are from OASIS. Honestly -- if I were a MadCap or Confluence marketing hack, documenting how OASIS produced four, incompatible XML solutions that address the same market is all that I would need to make my quarterly sales targets for a few years. Even if we cannot do anything about the incompatibility, we should consider being up front about it."

I don't think we can anything about compatibility or interoperability with DocBook. But the plan is for XDITA to be a valid subset of DITA 1.3 and DITA 2.0; by valid subset, I mean that authors could copy-and-paste content from an XDITA map to a DITA 1.3 or DITA 2.0 map, or from an XDITA topic to a DITA 1.3 or DITA 2.0 topic. Obviously, the authoring and publishing environment will need to have the appropriate grammar files installed.


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting
+1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)

On 8/25/2017 4:49 PM, Dr. Stanley Doherty wrote:
Hi --

I have somme comments and a few suggested line edits. Page numbers are keyed to the draft #19 PDF. 

Page   Comment
------ --------------------------------------------------------------------
05     Do we need a term to refer to "full DITA" (1.3 or 2.0)? 
05     "In comparison to DITA 1.3, LwDITA has a limited . . . " should really
       specify that XDITA has a limited element/attribute set. 
05     I keep wanting to see the word "subset" in this context to refer to the
       relationship between DITA 1.3 and XDITA. Is that incorrect?
07     Shouldn't keyref appear in the list?
08     Spitballing here . . . wouldn't one argument in favor of LwDITA be that it
       is more suitable for out-of-the-box authoring implementations whereas
       DITA 1.3 and DITA 2.0 are increasingly designed to be frameworks that 
       require/encourage customization?
09     3.1 Simplified structure - third para should be a table.
09     3.1 Simplified structure - is suggesting that LwDITA has benefits for 
       both small and large projects feels like overselling the scalability 
       of LwDITA. Large projects. Not buying it.
10     Paragraph on content models follows a little closely on the paragraph 
       authoring formats. Are content models AND authoring (markup) formats 
       "compatible"? Could I admix any combination of XDITA, MDITA, and HDITA
       topics/maps with the expectation that they will all parse/process 
       correctly? Would it be to describe the content models as "comparable"
       or "consistent" to avoid confusion with authoring format compatibility?
10     3.3 Development . . . - Opening subject "We" should be "OASIS" or 
11     Would the list be more clear if it were a three-row table grouping
       LwDITA elements into structural, blocks, and in-line elements? Just a
12     The adjective "strict" is making me stop reading each time. Would 
       "constrained" or "restrictive" be better?
12     Only XDITA is more "strict" right?
19     MDITA audience - consider adding a bit about Markdown being the universal
       language of software API frameworks these days. By authoring in MDITA,
       teams have effectively single-sourced content for API frameworks AND
       tech pubs. 
21     5.4 Cross-format . . . needs additional detail/perspective. Lay it out.
       - XDITA maps can reference XDITA, MDITA, and HDITA topics. O-positive. 
       - MDITA maps can reference only MDITA topics.
       - HDITA maps can reference only HDITA topics.
       - LwDITA topics can reference keywords defined in XDITA, MDITA, and 
         HDITA topics. Too simple a statement?
       - XDITA topics can transclude block-level content exclusively from
         other XDITA topics. 
       - MDITA and HDITA cannot transclude block-level content. 

       Longtime users of Jarno's plugins do not want to lose functionality.

Hairball - If none of this works, let's say so up front. 
a. Full-DITA maps referencing XDITA topics (after all, they have the same
   file extension)?
b. XDITA maps referencing full-DITA topics?  
c. XDITA and full-DITA topics conref'ing content in one another's topics?    

Probably my real question runs, "Is LwDITA another XML silo that is functionally incompatible with DocBook, DITA 1.3, or DITA 2.0?" If I have a significant investment in DocBook, DITA 1.3, or DITA 2.0, do I need to abandon that investment when I implement a project in LwDITA? All four of these "products" are from OASIS. Honestly -- if I were a MadCap or Confluence marketing hack, documenting how OASIS produced four, incompatible XML solutions that address the same market is all that I would need to make my quarterly sales targets for a few years. Even if we cannot do anything about the incompatibility, we should consider being up front about it. 


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