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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 7 January 2020 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will send mail to TC list about finding new owners for some of Eliot's action items.
2. Kris will put together a strawman schedule for 2.0

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Carsten Brennecke, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Zoe Lawson, Eric Sirois, Frank Wegmann


1. Roll call
Regrets: Eliot Kimber

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
17 December 2019
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201912/msg00055.html (Harrison, 19 December 2019)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Bill, approved by TC

3. DITA 2.0 stage three proposals
[no action needed or taken]

4. DITA 2.0 stage two proposals
Initial discussion
#292 simpletable update
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202001/msg00004.html (Evia, 06 January 2020)

- Carlos; in doing LwD, we realized we needed a table, and started off using simpletable. But in the public review, we heard from LwD users they also needed rowspan and colspan, and Eliot suggested also adding headers and scope, because they would make it easier to mapLwD to HTML5. With these additions, plus 'title', simpletable still doesn't have all the bells and whistles of CALS tables, but is quite useful.
- Deb; I read the current proposal and think it's good.
- Gershon; same here
- Zoe; does simpletable have anything for accessibility, like long descriptions?
- Scott; it seems to have rowheaders, which are considered important for accebility.
- Carlos; we wanted to make it accessible, and rowheaders were part of that.
- Robert; I didn't see row headers and scope; in simpletable, accessibility is really hard, I think.
- Kris; my perspective was that simpletables were so simple that they were pretty accessible OOTB. And one key point, for folks who were already using simpletable, we really wanted to do an update to simpletable that would allow some missing - and important - things but would not require any migration for existing simpletables; this does that.
- Gershon; from accesibility POV, are there any glaring omissions between this and HTML5 table model? if so, we should fix them.
- Robert; nothing glaring; the discussion last year was about 'what's missing in HTML that people need?' What has been notably missing from simpletable is ability to span, which this fixes.
- Gershon; if no one's asked from any other features, then we should go with what we've got.
- Kris; that's what we had decided, so this proposal made whatever simple changes that were needed.
- Gershon; I'm good with that.
- Frank; I find these chagnes pretty straightforward. But how are they dealt with in relation to Markdown syntax?
- Carlos; in mapping to MDITA, there is a very timple table based on Google markup for basic tables. In Markdown, there's no rowspanning or colspanning. so people using markdown generally use HTML5 tables and include them; so we did that too.
- Kris; we wouldn't have this proposal on simpletable if not for LwD; that was the driver. I do have a few nits;
1. section 'date that this feature proposal was completed', you hav '??'; it should show the date you first sent to TC, and then when you update it based on today's call.
2. for 'first proposal', can make that n/a
3. I had a hard time working thru examples; it was hard to know what source and formatted output sit togehter; would be easier if each example marked in separate example element. but that's optional.
- Kris; any objections to voting next week?
- Carlos; week after next would be better, since I won't be on the call next week.
- Kris; so we'll vote on 1/21.

5. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines

Stage two
(Stevens) New diagnostic element for troubleshooting (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/316)
14 January 2020: Proposal to reviewers (Hudson, Harrison)
(Kimber) Deprecate or remove copy-to attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/33)
(./) Due 05 October 2019
(./) 08 October 2019: Initial discussion by TC
On hold for new version: Vote by TC
[Dawn and Eliot not on call]

(Evia) Column/row spanning in simpletable (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/292)
22 October 2019 05 November 2019 15 November 2019 (./) 10 December 2019: Submit to reviewers (Anderson, Kimber)
07 January 2020: Initial discussion by TC
- Kris; we'll add voting date of 1/21

Stage three
(Nitchie) Loosen attribute specialization rules (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/15)
(Nitchie) Add titlealts elements to map (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/16)
10 December 2019: Revised stage two proposal to TC
- Kris; we're hoping Chris will return soon once he's settled in his new job. I discussed with him if it would be helpful to split titlealts into 2 parts, with one for linktext and one for titlealts; depending on who might volunteer to do titlealts, I might take it on.

(Schengili-Roberts) Strong and em elements (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/107)
27 January 2020: Proposal to reviewers (Doherty, Evia)
[Keith not on call]

6. Spec work completed

- Robert; I've been integrating some proposals, including changes for removing @domains, and Kris did a spell check and fixed a lot of spelling/typos type issues. I also finished up a bunch of techcomm updates. that was a big one.
- Kris; I like that we've been adding and upgrading proposals as we go along. In 1.3, we kept up as best we good, and the final update only took a month, but this time it shoud only take a day or two.
- Robert; yeah, I think it should be very easy.
- Kris; I did mention spell check; since our last call I also did the same spellcheck work on the techcomm spec. I'm down to ones that aren't punctuation (and are therefore not so easy to find. I've found a lot of ordinary errors, and I'll keep working on techcomm spec. I know we'll be having other folks doing work on techcomm, but I think it's in pretty good shape; after the last TC call, I updated a new draft.

7. Approved DITA 2.0 proposals
Working draft #07
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201912/msg00054.html (Eberlein, 18 December 2019)
Tally of approved proposals now included in first topic of PDF
- Kris; if you haven't taken a look, please do so. I post them to TC and to dita-users list, so the DITA community knows what the status is.

8. Action items
11 September 2018
Kris: Review conversation with Joe Pairman, e-mails about metadata, and TC discussion in late 2017/early 2018; summarize to TC: due 09 April Overdue
- Kris; I'll try to get this completed by TC call in 2 weeks (1/21).
13 November 2018
Eliot: Test refactoring of grammar files; due 15 Aug
Eberlein sent "nag e-mail" on 14 October 2019
18 December 2018
Eliot: Investigate issue re LearningAggregationsTopicrefConstraintMod.xsd; due 15 Aug
Eberlein sent "nag e-mail" on 14 October 2019
- Kris; please give me AI of posting larger email to list about these AIs, we need a new owner.
***ActionItem: Kris will send mail to TC list about finding new owners for some of Eliot's action items.
- Robert; for 13 November 2018 AI, I think I largely just did that work; it was basically getting rid of extra entries and indirection.
- Kris; I don't even remember what that AI was.
- Robert; if that was it, there were a lot of extra levels of directories, it's done for base but not for techcomm.
- Kris; if Eric is on call, could you take over Eliot's 18 December 2018XSD issue?
- Eric; can do.

09 April 2019
Eliot: Does SVG zip file need to be in techcomm grammar folder? due 15 Aug
Eberlein sent "nag e-mail" on 14 October 2019
- Kris; wrt this 09 April AI, since svg ref doamain isn't part of base, I don't know.
- Nancy; I think it's philosophical issue, really...
- Kris; will you take ownership?
- Nancy; yes

28 May 2019: Eberlein sent "nag e-mail" on 14 October 2019
about these three action items
Kris and Robert: Revise content and run it by Eliot (Draft-comment in spec WD03, section 3.3.3, page 37)
Robert: Take an initial look at fixing this (Draft-comment in spec WD03, section 3.4.4, page 52)
Chris: Look at draft-comment in spec WD03, section, page 210 IN PROGRESS
- Kris; Robert, I think these have been here a long time; I think we need to own these. Can we get back to having weekly editor calls
- Robert; that will be hard for the next few weeks...
- Kris; ok, but we'll put at the top of list to look at.

18 June 2019
Robert: Work on remaining stylesheet issues; see https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/stylesheetBacklog
- Kris; Robert; do we need a new owner for this? there's alread a long list of completed work items, but the open ones are past my ability to do, so if there's anyone with good stylesheet experience, pls step up. It doesn't have to meet OASIS criteria, but we need to get them done; please look at these and think about volunteering.
- Gershon; what's the timeframe, and what's the needed output?
- Kris; output's almost all PDF, except that one numbering one was HTML as well. I think some are related to things that are actually broken in DITA-OT.
- Gershon; I'll ask Rob Hanna if there's someone here at Precision who could do it.
- Kris; thanks, we just need to get this done, either by someone with the appropriate skills, or someone who wants to buff up their skills...

19 November 2019
Zoe: Clean up SVN, with guidance from Kris
- Kris; Zoe?
- Zoe; I think I should be able to get to this now; I'm trying to get back to new normal.
03 December 2019
Gershon Joseph: Summarize previous discussions about #28: New publication. Content in minutes and GitHub project card.
- Kris; Gershon, when might we see this?
- Gershon; you can actually change it to 'in progress'; I've looked at the relevant minutes and github doc. I now have a big page with the data which I will go thru and make sense of. Let's put a new due date of end of January.
- Kris; how about 1/27 (last Monday in Jan)?
- Gershon; first thing is to make sense of my big batch of data; then I'd like to request feedback from dita-users, then I'll share doc and ask if anyone will send their thoughts on legacy bookmap, give them 2 weeks to respond, then move forward with drawing up requirements for what we need.
- Kris; just having a summary of what we've talked about, in order to think about a new publication map would be useful.

10 December 2019
Robert: Handle updates regarding @encoding and nested fallback element for coderef, svgref, and mathmlref elements
- Kris; what about this?
- Robert; I'll try to get to that this week, I really want to get it off my plate

17 December 2019
Dawn: Write back to Pierre with our response wrt stepsection on dita-comment (COMPLETED)
Gershon: Consider where in troubleshooting topic we might want to add draft-comment, if there are any
- Kris; do you have an ETA for this?
- Gershon; I'd be happy to give this to someone, but I can keep it and do it for 2 weeks from today.

Kris: Respond to Ozana's post on dita-comment, including adding draft-comment to refbody and other items (COMPLETED)

10. Review status of DITA 2.0 proposals in progress
[no updates today]

- Zoe; do we have an end date in mind for 2.0?
- Kris; that's a good question; we don't have a firm one. It's something we need to move forward on; we know we can't do it in 2020, though we's originally hoped to.
- Robert; it can go to review this year, but we can't get to a published spec.
***ActionItem: Kris will put together a strawman schedule for 2.0
- Gershon; all the OASIS TCs I've worked on have had the same kind of delays; volunteer work does take a long time.
- Kris; we got a lot done in 2019, so yes, each release we do we get better at doing the work.

11. Announcements
- Robert; I'll be leaving IBM at end of week; not sure how long I'll be away from TC; once I get started, I should be back in a couple of weeks.
- Gershon; if someone comes back as indiv members, does it change status?
- Kris; does't change voting status within the TC, but individual members can't cast official votes on OASIS standards, and they're listed as individual members, even if they have their own companies, on published materials.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 7 January 2020

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2020-01-09 16:54:08

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