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Subject: Meeting Minutes 21 December 2022

Here are the minutes for last week's meeting.
Kris, can you please supply the roll call, as I missed that?



Meeting Minutes 21 December 2021

1. Roll call: [Kris, can you please supply? I didn't know I was taking minutes
at the time.]

2. Unable to approve minutes from previous business meeting (14 December 2021)
as they haven't been recieved yet.

3. Announcements

4. Action items
- 16 November 2021: Gershon: Talk to Precision Content dev team about developing
tool to generate contains/contains content
Gershon: Haven't really moved on; end of year hampering efforts.

- 07 December 2021: Eliot: Develop new example for object element-reference
Eliot Kimber: Started looking at this, didn't find a way for launching a PDF
that uses Param that works.
The params usually go into the URL, so still thinking.

5. Review E: Table elements
Kris Eberlein: Review of comments, most have been closed, but 8 need to be
(Review what's in the email:

Robert Anderson: about the comments that need to be discussed come down to icky
CALS stuff.
CALS was a table model that could handle anything and everything.
OASIS Exchange model is slightly simplified.
DITA <table> came from that.
There are some attributes that aren't really used, so what should we do about
E.g. in the review there were several "I've never heard of this attribute..."
that zero in on things that maybe we want to consider removing.
Reading the OASIS spec doesn't help. A) you need to read ANOTHER spec and B) it
doesn't really explain it well anyway.

Should we drop some bits? But what's the risk. Just because I've never used
them, doesn't mean others don't.

Most tools already support CALS via shared modules, so is it worth fixing it?
Not quite sure what to do.

Kris Eberlein: We haven't had a great chance to discuss these comments, so
forgive us for potential disagreements.

Robert Anderson: Apologies, life and holiday, we don't have suggested solutions.

Gershon: Because we're referencing another OASIS standard, why drop stuff?
What does the OASIS Exchange Set say about their model? Is there an issue about
using a subset.

Kris Eberlein: Good thought, but let's pause to see if we decide to trim
anything before we get to this.

There are a few orient, rotate about "hey your local processing may override",
dropping those statements
trying to alphabetize attributes
Tidying up examples that were wrong.

What do we want to cover in examples? Do we cover everything? e.g. the display
attributes in CALS tables. Do we need to state that local stylesheets may or may
not override display attributes.

What do we want to cover with <desc>?

Tone of examples?

Based on comments, will add topics to architectural portion of spec on
accessibility. E.g. adding headers in tables

Robert Anderson: Yes. In tables there's a lot of specific stuff for
accessibility, how do they interact, etc. There are implied things, but we
should be explicit.

These questions have highlighted that we need an accessibility section in the
Will be great to say "yes, look here, see how accessible we are!" and have one
place to point to.

Kris Eberlein: Adding screen captures for examples for table and simpletable.
Please review and give us feedback.

Accessibility - we can explain more in <alt>
It's a clearer representation.
Just using DITA source...it might look like this...maybe. Harder to understand
without an image.

Zoë Lawson: thank you. spanning hard.

Kris Eberlein: Robert Anderson and I are reviewing and making guidelines where
images might be useful.

Robert Anderson: If we just use samples...when folks republish the the spec...
with things missing or garbage, etc. So that the rendering of the spec no longer
changes examples.

Kris Eberlein: Even if that means we taKris Eberlein more time writing alt text,
it's good.
<cute discussion of "we thought tables would be easy">

Kris Eberlein: Please, review the comment PDF and the rev marked PDF
to better understand what all we're talking about and how we got here.
FYI, screenshots of tables are done via a Word mock up, so easy to fix.

6. Questions to TC from review E

* What do we want to state about rendering <desc> when it applies to tables?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202112/msg00036.html (Eberlein,
20 December 2021)
Kris Eberlein: This was sparked by Gershon. Do we want to mention that <desc> is
read by screen readers...but the spec says <desc> SHOULD be rendered in text...
so is that obvious in the table description.
Do we need a rendering expectation section in <desc>.

Zoë Lawson: I say yes becasue of how I use spec. Generally only looking at the
element reference.

Kris Eberlein: Other thoughts?

Robert Anderson: the other question in here, but what if <desc> is used just for
screen readers? It was a legacy thing from IBM because the content was displayed
at IBM.
As long as you are consistent with your content, either is fine...but you have
to be consistent.
Saying SHOULD leaves the wiggle room. Is that enough.

Kris Eberlein: Hesitant about adding rendering might use this, and can screw up
interoperability between different existing use cases.

Robert Anderson: Fine with leaving it out.

Kris Eberlein: Spec editor suggestion: put rendering expectation, should be
rendered into <table> processing expectations.
Do not mention could be just for screen readers.

Eliot Kimber: looking at HTML table, <alt> says "use <caption>", so we're
following what the HTML spec does.

Scott Hudson: What about the table summary that is used by screen readers.
Different from caption.

Robert Anderson: Yup, that was the question.

Eliot Kimber: The details of DITA to HTML is implementation.

Scott Hudson: Thought there was a statement that we enable that.

Kris Eberlein: "that"?

Scott Hudson: We provide technology that provides ARIA markup, but we don't map
it specifically.
Kris Eberlein: We don't actually make that statement, and we don't map DITA to
ARIA. We just say "you should render <desc>"

Eliot Kimber: Going by spec for HTML5, there's <summary>, and it says use
<caption>. In DITA, table/title = caption, and so that doesn't work.

Robert Anderson: that's what the DITA-OT does.
Huh. <summary> has been deprecated. didn't know that.
Since that's true, don't add mapping.

[info from Scott H: https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/tables/caption-summary/ ]

Kris Eberlein: Yup. Not gonna do that.
We will add rendering expectations to <table> about <desc>.
No mention of <desc> in table summary meta data.

* Tone for examples in the DITA spec
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202112/msg00037.html (Eberlein,
20 December 2021)

Kris Eberlein: Comment from Dawn, the tone is all over the place.
What do we want?
Only have "not only relate to software and hardware"
Realistic if possible.
At least one example, but do not need to show everything.
Very interested in thoughts from TC. Dawn?

Dawn Stevens: Nothing really to add. Do we come up with a generic product that
all examples would be based on? but that wouldn't work because need a mix of
source (software/hardware/etc.)
So, don't have a better idea right now...

Robert Anderson: like the idea for a User Guide for DITA, but other verticals
get cranky, so we need to be broad.

Dawn Stevens: Yup, see that point. But, tech writing says "avoid humor" so maybe
we should avoid things that are goofy.

Zoë Lawson: Like the humor, but understand.

Frank Wegmann: In a User Guide, you can have a "single" over arching example.
But for the spec, really need to show different things expecially showing what
you really need to see in an example.

Kris Eberlein: Expect that we won't standardize the Tone in 2.0 time frame.
Especially since things are being updated as we go.
The particular example we were discussing was completely replaced because there
were issues.
All simpletable examples are now food related, but that's not too terrible.

Robert Anderson: Should hat tip to Jarno and have vegan food...

Kris: Probably can't really resolve...but keep it in mind. Just, be rich in the
Just...keep stewing on this. We'll add guidelines as we go.

7. Status of review D

Kris Eberlein: Skipping. Havne't been able to work on it. If you haven't participated, please get comments in by EOW.
On hold until spec editors have reviewed existing comments and discussed

8. What does it mean to mix DITA 1.3 and DITA 2.0
Robert Anderson: every presentation, Can I mix?
"Check with your tools, but probably, maybe..."
However, as other questions are coming up. Roger, who does DITA-OT doc, was
trying to mix, and using chunking.

Oh. Implementation is totally different. So maybe it shouldn't mix.
(Yes, DITA-OT is starting to early adopt early versions of DITA 2.0.)
Mixing maps is a bad idea.

Don't think we the TC want to write an expectations guide. Trying to explain
"what happens when you reference one type of topic from another map and vice
versa, etc." is just way too much work.
And we don't have the resources.
And not our place.
We're supposed to define 2.0. We don't ever say you need to support both.
and contrary, we shouldn't tell processors that they shouldn't try to support

Kris Eberlein: There are responses from Gershon, Frank and Kris.
(Anderson, 21 December 2021)
(Joseph, 21 December 2021)
(Wegmann, 21 December 2021)
(Eberlein, 21 December 2021)

Gershon: We should not be promoting concurrent use.
When you upgrade, you have to upgrade all the things.
Wouldn't expect to use 1.3 and 2.0 at the same time...and if they do, you're on
your own.
Compatibility guide is a crazy idea.
Dita 2.0 is backwards-incompatable, and we should keep it that way.
Should state from the TC, you should migrate everything. But okay if the TC
doesn't want to say anything.

Robert Anderson: I partially agree and partially don't.
"If you mix, you're on your own" is a perfectly valid statement. And the right
The migration will take time. There's going to be legacy stuff. You should be
able to figure out...something. But not our problem.

Frank Wegmann: That's the right perspective. Don't give users the opportunity to
Probably not part of the spec to include, but in a migration guide, yes.
Or, tool vendor can do whatever.
Otherwise, migrate.

Eliot Kimber: Agree with Robert Anderson that the TC shouldn't have an opinion.
Not our business to decide what a processor can do.
Should be clear what "backward-incompatable" really means. Markup yes, but
structural no.
DITA 2.0 is still DITA, you just need to tidy up migration things.
A processor or a CMS needs to figure out solutions, but not our problem.

Kris Eberlein: Highlight there are two issues.
1. Will implementation and tooling supprot 1.3 and 2.0 content, if segregated.
Expect tool to handle that, does not want to make a statement that precludes
2. What happens in processing when things mix via map.

Robert Anderson: For folks with lots of content, probably forced by what the
CCMS does.
More of a question for folks not in prescriptive tools.
E.g. if you're all DITA-OT, what will the DITA-OT do.
YMMV is the best response.

Kris Eberlein: Or, our CCMS support one version of DITA at a time. You pick when
you start.

Robert Anderson: If you can't support 1.2 and 1.3, definitely not going to do
1.3 and 2.0

<Discussion of which vendor might be able to support which>

Kris Eberlein: wonder what tool vendors are starting to do... No response from

12 noon ET close
[No review this week. No meeting next week. Happy Holidays.
Next Meeting 4 January 2022]

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