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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 19 April 2022 uploaded

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ActionItems: None

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Eliot Kimber, Dawn Stevens, Jim Tivy
[no quorum]


1. Roll call
Regrets: Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Carsten Brennecke, Keith Schengili-Roberts

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
12 April 2022
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00018.html (Harrison, 18 April 2022)
[held till next meeting, b/c we didn't have quorum]

3. Announcements: none

4. Action items
[no updates; see agenda for complete list]

5. Report from LwDITA subcommittee
[on hold b/c Frank not on call]

6. GitHub issue: dita-lwdita
[Kris: We need to handle this as if it were feedback coming in through dita-comment]
Cannot create inline graphics in HTML5 output (Issue #60)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00010.html (forwarded by Eberlein; from DTC-tobin)
- Kris; any thoughts on this?
- Eliot; well, if img exists, default is to put it inline; it's not a real problem with DITA-OT placement.
- Robert; issue is really in full DITA, it defaults to inline, not to
- Eliot; so if it defaults to inline in full DITA, then why not in LwD?
- Kris; has LwD SC ever addressed this?
- Stan; we're doing some analysis to make sure that for every convention of how stuff work in full DITA, it also works in XDITA. There will be more of these, probably will be more; so it's a work in progress.
- Kris; most design work for LwD was done 3-5 yrs ago. Can you even put an img in a ph element?
- Robert; LwD doesn't allow you to specify the element ph. so this case had not ever been specifically considered, so it's checking for inline.
- Eliot; if the assumption is block instead fo inline, it would work.
- Robert; in latest DITA-OT, it checks for a break before img, if not, it puts it inline.
- Kris; so this is largely a processing issue, not a LwD issue, but for purposes of doc'ing LwD, might be important. We'll need to check LwD spec to see if there's a way to get around a placement @. but we can't really do business today, so...

7. Review L: DITA linking
Opening of review: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202203/msg00003.html (Eberlein, 03 March 2022)
Status of review: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202203/msg00017.html (Eberlein, 15 March 2022)
Final status: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00020.html (Eberlein, 19 April 2022)
[no change]

8. Linking review question: meaning of format="ditamap"
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00019.html (Eberlein, 19 April 2022)
- Kris; if you look at the message above, there was a comment about description of @format, but I'm not sure what it meant.
- Eliot; the description seems clear to me.
- Kris; it's been revised.
- Eliot; the important thing is that you're not getting metadata of map or mapref, you're just getting the topics inside it. So you get topicrefs, but not the 'map nature' of what you're ref'ing.
- Kris; hadn't thought of that. I thought we were trying to say that the hierarchy of topicrefs was inserted at that point, but not the reltable.
- Robert; I thought this was just a re-statement. I think what Eliot just said was pretty clear.
- Eliot; in context of metadata progagations, metadata in submap gets propagated to its topicrefs, so metadata in submap gets used. but the map title and map-level metadata elements don't get pulled in; they're not thrown away, but pulled into the single reltable of referencing map
- Kris; we discussed this; metadata doesn't cascade upwards, but it does move downwards. If we start talking about metadata here, it's a meess to address fact that the metadata will affect the topicrefs.
- Eliot; we want to be careful to say something here that doesn't contradict what we say somewhere else. Another way to describe result is to say; result is topicgroup whose content is all the children of the referenced map. It's the same result; within a group, titles are ignored. But we've never described it that way in spec.
- Kris; if we wanted to have an example, that would be fine in an example. 'here's the effective result of this markup'. but we can't get into that in this sort of topic; there could be a sort of topic that went into more specifics about these details. There's a placeholder topic which talks about all these; what do we want to do about it here and now? Do we want to remove paragraph or rewrite it?
- Eliot; since first parts clearly describe it, I'd argue for removing the sentence.
- Kris; Stan, you thought logic was circular. If we removed highlighted paragraph, just removed the highlighted part, how would that be?
- Stan; yes, removing it cures many headaches; just seemed circular.
- Kris; anyone have issues with deleting it?

- Kris; just fyi, we'll probably have more stuff like agenda item #8 come up.

11:30 ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 19 April 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2022-04-22 09:39:55

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