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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 6 December 2022 uploaded

Submitter's message
This is the corrected version, thanks to Kris and Frank for clarifying things.

1. Kris will respond to John Kirkilis's comment

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Tammy Crowley, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Dawn Stevens, Todd Thorner,, Jim Tivy, Kathryn Torriano, Frank Wegmann


1. Roll call
Regrets: Kendall Shaw

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:15 November 2022
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00031.html (Harrison, 17 November 2022)
Kris moved, 2nd Scott, approved by TC
[29 November 2022 - did not achieve quorum]

3. Announcements
Dawn announced next ConVEx for April in Baltimore; ; presumptive deadlines end of year for proposals.

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
08 November 2022:
Kris: Sketch out organization of "Changes from DITA 1.3 to DITA 2.0" topics for base spec
- Kris; still working on this; these are the important changes.
Eliot: Review and rework "Processing cascading attributes" topic
- Eliot; worked on this over weekend; pretty good draft; trying to implement it in code where it's necessay, so to test if code matches what OT does; making progress.
15 November 2022:
Eliot: Update pull request for work related to proposal
- Kris; we need you to update your pull request.
- Eliot; will do that as soon as i can.
- Kris; you buiit that feature in a pull request a while ago, and spec has been updated in the meantime..
- Eliot; I'll get it sorted out.
Spec reviews:
Dawn: Examples for general task and
29 November 2022
- Dawn; working on that on my to-do list.
Tammy and Kathryn: Collect orientation information useful for new TC members
- Tammy; worked on the item, we started on it.

5. Report from LwDITA subcommittee (Wegmann)
Brief report covering:
How many times the subcommittee met in the previous month
Items under discussion
Decisions made
Progress on spec
- Frank; SC meets twice a month; this mtg was partly a look back at ConVEx since most SC members didn't go, so I gave a brief review, John Carpenter from Nokia had a presentation on DITA-OT Day, he said he would be willing to add support from Nokia to DITA-OT team and also to LwD SC, I reached out to him, now waiting to hear back. Also at ConVEx, they announced release of DITA-OT 4.0; that had some impact on LwD mtg, since Jarno develops much of DITA-OT code, Jarno has been sticking much more closely to what is in Lwd 1.0 draft spec, so if we leave out something in 2.0, he'll kick it out. That happened with a markdown feature; since that's not in the current LwD 1.0 draft, he threw it out. SC had decided to add the single backquote for code blocks (markdown usage) back to LwD, we checked files and found inconsistencies.
- Kris; so current open questions under discussion by LwDITA subcommittee are as follows:
o @data-class attribute in HDITA and its purpose: Exactly what HDITA elements is this attribute present on? If it is not present on all HDITA elements, is it implicit on those elements where it is not specified? What exactly is its purpose? Regarding its purpose, several of the following were discussed at the LwDITA subcommittee meeting on 28 November 2022:
- Corollary to the XDITA @class attribute (but with a simpler syntax).
- Distinguishes between the various uses of
and in HDITA. For example, the XDITA elements is represented in HDITA as
element is represented in HDITA as
o Support for specialization in LwDITA: Is support for specialization limited to XDITA components? This is what the draft LwDITA spec states, but Michael Priestley is not comfortable with that.
o (Not yet discussed but raised) If there is support for specialization, to what extent is there support for element configuration (constraint and expansion).
- Kris; this also triggered a discussion on how to deal with data class; currently there are only a few elements where data class is in use.
- Kris; what I suggested was adding backquote for code phrases, but I have a related question; is there support for HDITA and MDITA elements? I don't think there's consensus on SC at this point.
- Frank; that's correct
- Kris; originally Michael had planned for specialization in LwD, but it wasn't implemented, and there's language in spec saying there is specialization for things that aren't there, so LwD spec needs to be carefully reviewed. including with regard to current draft conformance statements.

6. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines

Stage three
(Anderson) New impose-role attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/670)
- Kris; Robert, is there a status on this?
- Robert; checked in updates a few minutes ago, it can go on TC agenda for next week.

7. Review B: Concept and reference
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00020.html (Eberlein, 08 November 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00033.html (Eberlein, 19 November 2022)
Final summary: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00001.html (Eberlein, 06 December 2022)
- Kris; this didn't get a lot of participation, all the comments are addressed - see my PDFs. There's just one item; 3 topics in spec where we need better examples for sections 1.2, 3.11 and 3.12; Volunteers?
- Scott; I can help.
- Kris; what about ref body topic?
- Stan; you can sign me up for one.
- Tammy; I could do 1.2 ref topic highlevel overview of ref topics
- Stan; is the request to provide a example of each element that is in ref?
- Kris; we don't need all of them, we need a real example that gives overall structure, that shows how you use reference topics.
- Dawn; recommend an example using cmd and its children; if no one volunteers, I can do it.

8. dita-comment: Reasoning for not cascading metadata
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00042.html (John Kirkilis on 16 November 2022, forwarded by Eberlein)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00032.html (Eberlein, 17 November 2022)
- Robert; we had to choose a default for where it will cascade or not; can't be right in all cases; sometimes cascading will break your context. Since we had to pick one as default; we picked the one that seemed less damaging; I have a processing override where it doesthe opposite, for the cases the default doesn't work.
- Dawn; me too; I've done the same for some clients, either way requires overrides.
- Kris; I don't see any reason to make it cascade by default, there are simple fixes Nokia can use; they can ovverride or use their own specialization. Any objections to just telling him that we don't think it's apropriate to change it?
- Robert; I think that's right; we'd have to break other folks stuff to make his work.
- Eliot; I agree with Robert.
***ActionItem: Kris will respond to John Kirkilis's comment

9. Need for help with DITA 2.0 spec editing
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202211/msg00044.html (Eberlein, 29 November 2022)
- Kris; this is turning out to be just too much to do for just Robert and me. We've wanted to really control the process; this was a reaction to 1.2, when many people worked on itand we didn't get consistent and careful wording
- Robert; right
- Tammy; Kathryn and I want to offer assistance; is there a list of what to do?
- Kris; there's a link to a wiki page where we're tracking work to be done. I think that theissue is techcontent material is probably the better place to get help. The issue is how can we share work over a larger group of people?
- Zoe; I would like to help, but I don't think I have the skill.
- Kris; some things are not so hard. Some simply need to have all applicable sections verified, and that the content of examples is correctly indented and preceded by a paragraph. so they don't require deep domain knowledge.
- Stan; I also could help.
- Keith; Kris and Robert, what are practicalities of having more folks involved? I could volunteer for things at 'shallow end.'
- Kris; One issue is working in Git; for some folks, the use of Github is complicated. If changes come in as pull request, it would probably be less work; I would expect process will change as we get more used to it.
- Keith; if we could have monthly coordinating meetings; that would work for me.
- Robert; we'd need some coordination, so a meeting sounds like a good idea.
- Kris; if we start with techcontent, elemnt refs are separate little groups. The only real issue would be the stuff brought in by conref. And it does require a level of comfort with github.
- Kris; the other possibility was if we need to give some feedback on some elements. we could send email, or open a ContentFusion review of edited content and provide feedback that way; not sure yet which will be easier for me and Robert.
- Zoe; does it help if each of us does a single topic, and you review that, to avoid global feedback?
- Kris; maybe; also I can make passes thru some topics, I could be fairly specific about what needs to be done with these topics, so you can focus on those.
- Robert; only thing we're certain of is that it won't be stable,
- Kris; we should set up a coordinating meeting and get folks started.
[volunteers for helping with spec editing: Stan, Zoe, Tammy, Kathryn, Keith]

10. Scoped keys and relationship tables
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00012.html (Kimber, 22 May 2022) (Kimber, 22 May 2022)
- Kris; I have been waiting, but we need to start on this.
- Eliot; the spec talks about how reltables take all the links in your map tree and pull them up to the top of the root map and treat them as a single reltable. In 1.2, there was nothing wrong with that rule. But from 1.3, because of keyscopes. what does it mean to have a reltable that's authored in some keyscope, and might make a ref to a key in that scope? If we pull it up to top, what is impact of that ref? Do we resolve key ref and then pull it up? Or resolve keyref at top-level of reltable? We need to decide and give guidance.
- Nancy; and whatever we do, it needs to be mentioned in the migration guide.
- Kris; I'm not sure about that.
- Frank; what is current DITA-OT implementtion?
- Robert; I think it is a migrationissue, it's like processing order, implementation may do different things, if we don't make it clear in 2.0, we can't do it later. We need to make a decision and publish it to clarify things.
- Kris; we've made othe changes, where we've clarified processing expectations, and we haven't flagged those changes as things we need to highlight in migration.
- Robert; I don't know how this lines up with those... It might be a case of clarifying something tht was stated imprecisely or something that was never stated in the first place.
- Kris; let's come back to this; it will be on agenda next week.

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 6 December 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2022-12-14 10:24:39
Revision: 1

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