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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 24 January 2022 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Tammy and Kathryn to have deadlines for editing work by end of week.
2. Robert will start work on specification rules around error logging, with Bill.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Bill Burns, Tammy Crowley, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Dawn Stevens, Kathryn Torriano, Frank Wegmann, Jim Tivy, Todd Thorner

1. Roll call
Regrets: none

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
17 January 2023
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=70683&wg_abbrev=dita (Schengili-Roberts, 23 January 2023)
- Kris moved, 2nd Scott, approved by TC

3. Announcements
Other announcements? - none

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
10 January 2023
Eliot: Suggest examples and new wording re "Cascading attribute values"
- Kris; Eliot, can we get this next week?
- Eliot; no, I'm really busy at work, probably the week after.
- Kris; ok, as soon as you can.
17 January 2023
Kris: Move content from "Formatting convention" topic to "Rendering expectations" sections COMPLETED
Spec reviews:
Dawn: Examples for general task and
Dawn: Examples for reference (architectural topic) and
- Dawn; the general task and tutorial are ready for review; what shall I do with them?
- Kris; send an email

5. Schedule for January 2023 reviews
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00029.html (Eberlein, 20 December 2022)
- Kris; we'll talk later about review D for hardware.

6. Editorial work on DITA for Technical Content 2.0 element-reference topics
Topic cluster assignments
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00027.html (20 December 2022)
Recording of 20 December 2022 session
GitHub education that the TC did in 2018
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00034.html (Eberlein, 21 December 2022)
Have volunteers forked the repo?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00000.html (Eberlein, 04 January 2023)
- Kris; want to get a sense from folks working; when they'll complete their work. Tammy, Kathryn, when do you think?
- Kathryn; we're working with others; we just had a kickoff yesterday to start the work; the release mgmt is assigned to me; if we want that done first, I'll have to re-allocate. So I don't haee a great answer today; we should have better sense by end of week.
***ActionItem: Tammy and Kathryn to have deadlines for editing work by end of week.
- Kathryn; should we prioritise one over other?
- Kris; no, we just don't want a 3-week downtime over, it will be whatever is ready.
- Kathryn; since it's the smallest, I'll try to do release mgmt first.
- Kris; Stan, what about xnal?
- Stan; will do first topic this week, then rest by mid-February.
- Kris; Frank, syntax diagram?
- Frank; will aim for Feb 8th, if I can do it earlier, I will.
- Kris; Bill and Keith, what about the glossary?
- Bill; I've have already forked a repo, I'd suggested that Keith work in same fork.
- Keith; I've been a bit overloaded; Feb 14th?
- Bill; ok with me.
- Kris; I will be keeping up with folks to see if you're on target. I probably didn't speak in terms of editing done in context of remap; if anyone had difficulty getting set up, I can set up the right review map for your area. Robert, do you have anything to add?
- Robert; I don't think so, Kris and I send early changes back and forth.
- Nancy; so how shall we let you know we're ready for review?
- Kris; when you think you're done, open up a pull req. and Robert and I will look at it and send feedback. Then, when it's ready, we'll accept the pull request.

7. Techical content review D: Hardware, markup, and XML mention domains
Opening of review
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00021.html (Eberlein, 24 January 2023)
Will be open through Monday, 30 January at 5 PM ET
- Kris; not a lot to mention on this, only 10 topics.

8. Technical content review C: Programming, software, and UI domains
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00005.html (Anderson, 09 January 2023)
Status of review
Participation: Eliot, Kris, Robert, Tammy, Zoe, Stan, Bill, Frank, Nancy
Update (Anderson)
- Robert; this was first time we put out review without all shortdescs done, got a lot of comment on that; we don't usually do that. we do have a pattern for that, aren't expecting to change that. So we've been updating those; folks caught a bunch of glitches thanks. WRT the issue between options and parmname, we're working on a resolution to that; it had led to inconsistent usage out in the world, so at this point we can't say 'this is only for CLI, this is only for API. The were several useful comments around examples updating for current usage.
- Kris; we'll have an update next week, with PDF of review comments. and changes and revision markings.
- Nancy; I have to say, using draft-comment for reviews works much better than the old comment mechanism.
- Robert; agree.
- Kris; it enables us to archive comments much easier.

9. Specification rules around error logging
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00018.html (Anderson, 13 December 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00020.html (Kimber, 13 December 2022)
Compilation of error conditions
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00019.html (Eberlein, 13 December 2022)
- Robert; we discussed this at end of last year; wrt saying 'apps MAY or SHOULD tell users when something is wrong.' We can't tell apps exactly what to do when content is invalid, we can just mandate that they inform users that it's invalid. My recommendation for this is that we shouldn't have any normative rules; msgs are up to them. We need to specify the error cases, so they can act on those.
- Kris; we did discuss having a generated topic of errors in an appendix parallel to the normative chapter,
- Robert; it would be similar to the one generated in XSLT spec. I'd like that in our spec, but at least I'd like to make these thing more easily findable and if we have time, make an appendix.
- Kris; anyone interested in helping? We'll have to identify all the errors.
- Robert; they're mostly in base spec, plus in abbrev rules; we have places where we talk about generating errors. A first pass would be just to remove normative rules; if we can come up with rules about phrasing, then come up with a generated list.
- Kris; use outputclass?
- Robert; I think so, that's what we use for RFCs.
- Bill; I'll volunteer to help as able.
***ActionItem: Robert will start work on this, with Bill.

10. Scoped keys and relationship tables: Updated test case
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00021.html (Kimber, 13 December 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00022.html (Kimber, 13 December 2022)
- Eliot; My fix is to remove text in 1.3 about merging reltables. my test cases demonstrate that the way the OT behaves mostly conforms, but is not resolving all reltable keys in the context of keyscope they're in.
***ActionItem: Kris will re-phrase the text in spec to clarify it.
- Eliot; the main point of test case was to show what OT does, and it doesn't produce result that I would want.
- Kris; since you found areas where OT's processing is not off, are you opening a bug report for OT?
- Eliot; the OT conforms to the 1.3 spec, it's just that the 1.3 spec isn't really clear.
- Kris; so once we have a clearer language in 2.0 spec, then it should go to OT team for a change?
- Eliot; right
- Robert; agree

- Kris; anything else? Just fyi, for review D, most of them have an abstract wrapper; you can ignore it, it's only there because I did new shortdescs.

11:38am ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 24 January 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-01-30 22:08:35

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