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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 23 May 2023 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Robert will implement decisions about bookmap metadata elements that we made last week, Robert is in progress, partially done.
2. Kris will send link to OASIS white paper for abbrev forms around. depending on status of bookmap structure, this might be worth dropping from 2.0.
3. Kris will put our CNs in progress on agenda for next week.
4. Zoe will check with her Synopsys colleague Chris to see if he'd be interested in joining the TC,

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann, Todd Thorner, Christina Rothwell


1. Roll call
Regrets: none

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
16 May 2023
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202305/msg00017.html (recorded by Kimber, uploaded by Eberlein on 23 May 2023)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Frank, approved by TC

3. Announcements - none

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
17 January 2023
Robert: Devise way to generate aggregated "Rendering expectations" topic"
- Kris; Robert, will you be able to work on this, or do we need to put those on a wishlist?
- Robert; let's discuss it.
07 March 2023
Eliot: Look at his original e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider @scope and @format. See also minutes/action items from 10 January 2023.
- Eliot; couldn't do, will do friday
Kris & Robert: Consider Eliot's latest e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider where adjustments are need in regard to text and examples
- Kris; Robert, you and I need to match Eliot's work, so we can do our Mar 7th item
16 May 2023
Kris: Reach out to Tammy Crowley about the status of the bookmap structural topics COMPLETED
Kris; done
Stan: Check with Bill Burns and Keith S-R on the status of work on glossary; assess scope
- Stan; have a good email thread going with Bill, Eric, Keith, and Frank, started this morning, will add Eliot and Kris to thread as well, and will send to everyone after this mtg.
- Kris; the glossary went in at 1.2, no work on it since then, it really needs some TLC; before my coming to Mayo Clinic, folks here had implemented abbrev text, to comply with standards, but it failed seriously, so I'm interested in whether anyone has successfully implemented it.

5. Re: Rework of cascading processing rules
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202302/msg00040.html (Kimber, 21 February 2022)
[On hold until editors meet]

6. Technical content review C: Programming, software, and UI domains
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00005.html (Anderson, 09 January 2023)
Status of review
Participation: Eliot, Kris, Robert, Tammy, Zoe, Stan, Bill, Frank, Nancy
Update (Anderson)
[still on hold; Kris will work with Robert to see if we can close it out]

7. Review F: Syntax diagram domain
Opening of review:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202302/msg00056.html (Eberlein, 28 February 2023)
Status of review:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202303/msg00002.html (Eberlein, 07 March 2023)
- Kris; Frank, did you and Robert work to generate output for this?
- Frank; I tried out what he put out, and it worked well, further than that, no discussion.

8. Review H: Release management domain
Opening of review:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202303/msg00018.html (Eberlein, 21 March 2023)
NEW Release-management domain white paper
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202304/msg00000.html (Eberlein, 03 April 2023)
- Kris; review is open and closed, I posted the white paper released in 1.3 time frame, which answered some questions some folks had, wrt usage of data elements. I said I'd take ownership of the review, need to try to close it out.

9. Review J: Bookmap metadata elements
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202305/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 02 May 2023)
Update on review participation (Robert)
Content model changes suggested for bookmeta elements:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202305/msg00015.html (Anderson, 16 May 2023)
- Kris; quite good participation on this, last week I changed a bunch of content models for bookmap metadata elements; added stuff to resolve comments.
- Robert; they're not fully implemented, still need to make some @ changes.
***ActionItem: Robert will implement decisions about bookmap metadata elements that we made last week, Robert is in progress, partially done.
- Kris; any comments about other reviews?
- Robert; no, we'll need to discuss them at our editors mtg.

10. Editorial work on DITA for Technical Content 2.0 element-reference topics
How much "context" to show in examples?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202302/msg00023.html (Eberlein, 14 February 2023)
Editorial assignments, deadlines, review maps
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00035.html (Eberlein, 31 January 2023)
Editorial guidelines
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00036.html (Eberlein, 31 January 2023)
NEW AND UPDATED https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202303/msg00019.html (Eberlein, 21 March 2023)
General resources:
Recording of 20 December 2022 session
GitHub education that the TC did in 2018
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00034.html (Eberlein, 21 December 2022)
- Kris; we need to add abbrevforms and glossary elements; we should add those to our agenda. I think Tammy finished work on bookmap structure, but I haven't seen it. any volunteers?
[Nancy volunteered]
- Kris; best case, Tammy and her team at PC have alredy done it.

11. and
- Kris; I'd like to know what companies are using these elements, and what their experience has been
- Eric; for glossref, for default it had @print="no", and that gave a lot of trouble.
- Kris; I don't remember if we made changes to that for 2.0; don't know if they were made to glossref itself, or a default shell containing it.
- Robert; we talked about changing that, but we may not have voted on it.
- Kris; so, any of are your companies using these elements?
- Eliot; glossref created in 1.2, and intent was to treat glossary as a peer publication, which explains @toc="no" and @print="no" as defaults. With cross-deliverable linking in 1.3, you don't need that.
- Robert; I don't think that was the intent; intent was that glossref terms would be to things you were using as keys, so just a glossref shouldn't be used to print its own topic, just to bring up a single bit of text.
- Kris; and we never explained this clearly; for glossref, keys is a required @,
- Eliot; I'm thinking thru whhat Robert described, for that intention, all glossrefs would be resource-only topics. If you also wanted to publish glossentries, you could do that in your normal map, but it still seems a bit weird.
- Robert; this was created and envisioned before we had cross-deliverable linking, so this was done without reference to that
- Kris; proposal for glossref was approved in 1.2 before we added @processing-role, so that might explain the markup on glossref.. Any folks here who currently use glossref?
- Eric; we have a bunch of clients using it
- Kris; and I used it for maps at Mayo and maps that were created for handling abbreviated forms.
- Scott; we used it at Jeppesen, but for abbrew form.
- Stan; used it for internal docs, for styleguides ofr writeres, worked fine
- Kris; what about abbrevform? who's using it or used it?
- Scott; used it at Jeppesen quite a bit
- Krisl and what that content translated?
- Scott; no.
- Eliot; how does it look like for translated content
- Kris; processing for it works well in English, but not for other languages.
- Robert; right, so terms that have abbrevs in English don't get those translated.
- Kris; if you define a term in English and use it in a sentence in English, processing displays the actual term for its first instance, and the abbrev form afterwards, but in other languages, the term might require an article depending on what case it's in; so you get funky translations. Most translation workbenches won't resolve the text, just the abbrev form.
- Robert; it's the same translation issue you have with any phrase-level or word level reuse.
- Eliot; so the answer is to tell clients 'don't do that.'
- Kris; I've told clients that - don't do phrase- or word-level reuse. our translation white paper mentions these issues.
- Eliot; maybe we need to drop abbrev-forms from the 2.0 vocabulary.
***ActionItem: Kris will send link to OASIS white paper for abbrev forms around. depending on status of bookmap structure, this might be worth dropping from 2.0.
- Kris; Eric, can you check with your clients who are using it and whether they're overriding any of the @s?
- Eric; OK

12. Check in -- Do you have ideas about what the TC should be working on in addition to the slog on DITA 2.0?
Kris; any ideas on what we should be doing as we do this?
Zoe; all the papers we said we're going to write?
***ActionItem: Kris will put our CNs in progress on agenda for next week.
- Stan; wrt to our content reviews, there were a bunch of notes on how to do things, and we said those were outside spec, it would be good to find those and list them.
- Kris; I think that's a reason Robert and I have generated PDFs for all those reviews; we can search and find all those discussions.
- Eliot; agree that turning our focus back to various white papers is good idea.
- Todd; I wonder if, in heading of each element, it would be good to have a note on how long it's been part of dita spec?
- Kris; why would that be helpful?
- Todd; when I go thru the spec, I'm often kind of curious.
- Kris; could be helpful for historical perspective, but we made the decision for 2.0 that we wanted to eradicate that kind of info.
- Nancy; and knowing when it entered doesn't tell you all about it, since it may have been modified many times.
- Kris; which is one reason we did what we did.
- Zoe; but it might be useful to have some of that info in migrations guide. But do i really need to know the history?
- Todd; for migration, it would be about figuring out, if I had this, and it's gone away at 2.0, how do I replace it?
- Kris; the history is always available if someone want's to actually compare the specs of various releases, or compare grammar files... I don't know if the history matters from a broader perspective.
- Kris; anything else? please think about this before next call.

13. Recruitment for the TC
Companies lost: Precision Content, Bluestream
Potential new companies or members?
Bob Garber, Life Fitness
Bob Johnson, Jana
John Kirklis, Nokia
Leroy Steinbacher, Adobe
Zoe's colleague at Synopsys
Chris P Pokdemetrios?)
- Kris; might Synopsys be willing to expand its membership to include Chris?
- Zoe; he was too busy before, but I'll poke him again.
***ActionItem: Zoe will check with her Synopsys colleague Chris to see if he'd be interested in joining the TC,
- Kris; what about Cisco, Dell, SAP? Does anyone have connections with these cos that might help us get reps from these coompanies?

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 23 May 2023

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-05-29 16:52:36

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