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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets

     I don't know an XSL processor which uses catalog files, but maybe I
     misunderstand your question. XSL processors do follow URLs, though.

Unless I've misunderstood Sebastian (yet again :-)

The bit of java from Norm, hosted at his ex-employers web site 'uses'
a catalog. Its a tweak on XT to stop it going to the web when it hits
the url pointing to Norms web site. Instead it goes to the local catalog.

I got it via Norms site, which links to the Arbortext one.

My one and only entry is
BASE "f:/sgml/catalogx"

PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.7//EN"

The jar collection is quite impressive at

java -classpath
talog.jar;catalog-apps.jar;xp.jar;xt.jar   -Dxml.catalog.files=/sgml/catalog
x -Dxml.catalog.debug=3   com.arbortext.xsl.sax.Driver %1 %2 %3


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