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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: References to Bibliography entries
Norman Walsh wrote: > > / Christoph Steinbeck <steinbeck@ice.mpg.de> was heard to say: > | Wiswesser himself has written an informative review <xref > | linkend="wiswesser85"/> > | <biblioentry xreflabel="wiswesser85" id="wiswesser85"> > | > | I always get empty links. I use the latest Jade and the latest DSSSL > | html stylesheets. > > Please send me a small sample document that demonstrates this problem. > And let's move this over to docbook-apps. Thanks for getting back to me. The problem above was actually two problems :-) The first was simply one of the small differences between XML and SGML, namely the "/" that closes the xref tag and the imagedata tag, when using correct XML syntax. If I use <xref linkend="wiswesser85"> instead of <xref linkend="wiswesser85"/>, everything is fine. Otherwise I get annoying ">" characters after the reference text and the images. The problem of empty links was due to the fact that the dtd was not correctly found, which I thought was irrelevant for formatting output but obviously it isn't :-) Thanks, Chris -- Dr. Christoph Steinbeck (http://www.ice.mpg.de/departments/ChemInf) MPI of Chemical Ecology, Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10, 07745 Jena, Germany Tel: +49(0)3641 643644 - Fax: +49(0)3641 643665 What is man but that lofty spirit - that sense of enterprise. ... Kirk, "I, Mudd," stardate 4513.3..
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