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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Info on FuncSynopsis

From: "David C. Mason" <dcm@redhat.com>
Date: 07 May 2000 23:21:00 -0400
Message-ID: <y9xg0rtpw0z.fsf@devserv.devel.redhat.com>
Lines: 37
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Bernd Kreimeier <bk@lokigames.com> writes:

>  > Hmm - the tetex that shipped with 6.1 was the 1.0.6-7 
> Did. Now I have postscript, but PDF chokes - I used --nodeps as
> there is a libstdc++ dependency that I don't want to upgrade w/o
> checking, and right enough, db2pdf chokes missing the proper
> libstdc++.

First of all - I would NEVER use --nodeps unless you know exactly what
the package does, what it loads, and where. There is no telling how
many things you have broken doing that. Having said that, I have never
found the db2pdf script and backend to work to my liking - ever.

Normally I make a ps file and then take advantage of ghostscript with
the following:

$gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=myfile.pdf myfile.ps

> That leaves me with the rendering problem in HTML - why is there no
> blank inserted between these two:
> <paramdef>&enum;<parameter>capability</parameter></paramdef>

I have not seen this before.. can you send a test file?




          David Mason
        Red Hat AD Labs


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