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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: [JadeTex] ! TeX capacity exceeded


I know this is a FAQ !
I've tried to search the mail archives without success.

Is there a solution to this problem ?

I compiled this package on my PC :  jadetex-2.7-2.src.rpm
Everything works fine for DocBook docs, but I'm actually working on LinuxDoc
2.4 Networking Howtos translation to French and while using the sgmltools-lite
command : 

sgmltools -b ps 2.4networkingfr.sgml
/usr/bin/jade:<OSFD>0:323:7:E: end tag for "SECT2" which is not finished
/usr/bin/jade:<OSFD>0:331:7:E: end tag for "SECT3" which is not finished
/usr/bin/jade:<OSFD>0:890:7:E: end tag for "SECT2" which is not finished
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
JadeTeX 1999/06/29: 2.7
Elements will be labelled
Jade begin document sequence at 3
No file @1325.aux.
Warning: Unknown character 65533, at 5664
Warning: Unknown character 65533, at 5950
Warning: Unknown character 65533, at 6236
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=350001].
l.6397 ....64.94.1. Ceci n'est cepandant pas suffi
No pages of output.
Transcript written on @1325.log.
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/sgmltools", line 82, in ?
  File "/usr/local/share/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/SGMLtools.py", line 258, in processFile
    be.postJade(jadeoutfile, jadestdoutfile)
  File "/usr/local/share/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/backends/Ps.py", line 36, in postJade
    Dvi.postJade(self, outfile, stdoutfile)
  File "/usr/local/share/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/backends/Dvi.py", line 61, in postJade
    raise IOError, 'JadeTeX run failed'
IOError: JadeTeX run failed 

Thanks for your help

PS: For people who can read French, the sentence where JadeTex breaks sounds
like provocation !

- Philippe
[( Linux RNIS/ISDN Howto : http://www.linux-france.org/article/connex/ISDN
[( E-mail : philippe.latu@linux-france.org

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