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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xt and jdk 1.3

Just an advisory for users of xt under JDK 1.3 on Windows -
According to the release notes for jdk 1.3, the java.net.URL package has
been revised to more closely follow the specification in rfc 2396.

I found this to mean that documents that previously processed with xt under
jdk 1.2
now failed to process with a "java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown
protocol: c" error.

After a cursory examination of the document source files, stylesheet and dtd
files for correct paths, I spent some time stepping through xt code with the
Forte' debugger (restarting after Forte crashed is why it took "some time"),
and found that in com.jclark.xml.sax.Driver.open, the "systemID" string
contained a valid path (for windows) that caused the exception to be thrown.

What this means (for Windows based users anyway) is that care needs to be
taken when specifying the system identifier for the dtd. 

e.g. in an xml file, the following system identifier is valid for xt under

<!DOCTYPE website SYSTEM "c:/export/xml/xsl/website/website.dtd" [

but fails to get very far for xt under 1.3

Instead, setting the system identifier as 
<!DOCTYPE website SYSTEM "/export/xml/xsl/website/website.dtd" [

or (perhaps more correctly)

<!DOCTYPE website SYSTEM "file:/c:/export/xml/xsl/website/website.dtd" [

allows xt process the file without error.

Note that this problem may disappear with the use of catalogs but I haven't
investigated that option. 


Scott Simmonds
Adacel Technologies Ltd.
t. +61 8 8365 6561
f. +61 8 8365 6560
e. scott.simmonds@adacel.com.au 

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