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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Completely failing to understand OLink

Norm to the rescue, again. 
He wrote a tuturial on OLink, available at:


It may answer your questions.


> From: Nik Clayton <nik@nothing-going-on.demon.co.uk>
> Sorry about this.  I've been working my way through the docs and trying to
> come up with some examples of my own, but it all fails horribly.
> I'm looking for examples of using OLink.  Specifically, I've got two
> documents (A and B) and I need to link from A to B.
> Both of them are being converted to HTML, and both of them are converted
> to chunked and non-chunked (i.e., multiple HTML files, and one big HTML 
> file) formats.  Oh, and I really don't want to have to use a public FPI
> to refer to B, I'd rather use a SYSTEM one.
> I've got as far as this in "A" (and "B" is in ../handbook/book.sgml)
>     <DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
>     <!ENTITY otherdoc SYSTEM "../handbook/book.sgml">
>     ]>
>     <article>
>        ...
>        <docinfo>
>          <modespec id="otherms">../handbook/</modespec>
>        </docinfo>
>        ...
>        <para><olink targetdocent="otherdoc" linkmode="otherms" 
>             localinfo="id-to-link-to"></olink></para>
>        ...
>     </article>
> I've also used olink.dsl to create book.olink in the handbook/ directory.
> However Jade spits out
>   "otherdoc" is not a data or subdocument entity
> when I try to build the HTML file, and things go downhill from there.
> Has anyone got things working with this sort of set up?
> N
> -- 
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