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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xtchunk problem


I use XSL stylesheets 1.12 and I have problem with transformation 
to HTML. I use template user.head.content for inserting meta tags
to <head> part of HTML code. This template is ok for docbook.xsl, but
it's missing in xtchunk.xsl. I've add this code:

    <xsl:call-template name="user.head.content"/>

on line 345 in xtchunk.xsl just after the line:

    <xsl:call-template name="head.content"/>

and it looks good.

Martin Perina

ATACO, spol. s r. o.                   email: martin.perina@ataco.cz
Lesetinska 676                         www:   http://www.ataco.cz/
Ostrava - Kuncice                      phone: +420 (69) 568 28 62
707 02                                 fax:   +420 (69) 568 27 56 
Czech Republic

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