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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBookIDE01.zip and PSGML?
/ Jean Jordaan <Jean@mosaicsoftware.com> was heard to say: | How should one think about the relationship between the DocBook IDE | [1] and PSGML? I'd assume PSGML gives more sophisticated structure- | navigation and validation, and the IDE is more "lean & mean". Will | the IDE eventually be subsumed in PSGML? Or are their approaches | very dissimilar? Could one for example just load the IDE's | abbreviations under PSGML? I think I probably shouldn't have hacked the XSL IDE into the DocBook IDE. I expect everything you can do with the DocBook IDE you can do with PSGML. But I haven't tested it recently. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Birds are taken with pipes that http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | immitate thier own voices, and men Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | with those sayings that are most | agreeable to thier own | opinions.--Samuel Butler
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