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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: cocoon and norms xsl-sheets
Hello again. Another question.. print is king. Have any of you used cocoon (the version i may use is 1.7.3) successfully with Norm's newest xsl? Not me... I am worried.. Within less than 24 hours i must have managed to output this document to a good printable. I guess emacs-pretty-print-buffer doesn't qualify.. (Yes, no, i am not ahead of time much..) Cocoon i have access to, but not much experience with.. neither am i particularily skilled as an xsl(t) hacker. It is supposedly able, but..am i? : so.. Cocoon cares: 1: For html? -i should think this would be clean tweakless deal (?) 2: For creating fot? -in this respect i am optimisticic! only what will i manage to do with it.. Are there any tools i should consider to install for this, like a readymade something, e.g. -"fo2rtf","fot2pdf", or similar, in lunix naming terms..? 3: For creating rtf/pdf/latex/tex/dvi/ps/any-decent-printable-format? -almost pessimistic here.. Any particular concerns? inge -- teLmin@oL.teLia.no <<<java<is<not<my>cup>of>tea>>>
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