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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: morerows in last table column: rtf issue


If I have a rowspan in the *last* row of a table, the span doesn't
appear in the RTF output.  This happens for me when using Jade 1.21 or
OpenJade 1.3, Norm's DocBook stylesheets v1.45 or 1.54.  The HTML output
is fine.  Rowspans in other than the last row work fine.

I tried the table example from the TDG
(http://www.docbook.org/tdg/html/table.html), which has a rowspan in the
last column, and another rowspan in the middle of the table.  For RTF
output, the middle rowspan shows up fine, the rowspan in the last column
does not show up.  The HTML output is fine.

If it matters, I'm using Word 97 for my RTF viewer.  Looking at the
generated RTF, I don't see any of the tags that usually indicate row

Does anybody have any ideas?  I'm looking through the v1.54 stylesheets
but can't see anything obvious.


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