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>>>>> "NW" == Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> writes: NW> Ah! It took a few minutes, but I figured it out :-) When you NW> apply-templates in this template, you go back to the "default NW> mode". (Modes aren't sticky in XSL.) Thanks Norm, Yep, I discovered that modes work differently in XSL than DSSSL, although even if you carefully apply the modes in the `mode-d' templates recursively, you don't get the expected behaviour. An even *more* significant difference seems to be that once in a mode in XSL, that's where you stay, unless a further template explicitly takes you out of it (note that this is in *contrast* to DSSSL where if an element encountered in processing a subtree *isn't* explicity defined inside that mode, you get the default, i.e. imported mode). AL> <!-- template (1) --> AL> <xsl:template match="*" mode="programmer-info-mode"> AL> <xsl:text>Running wildcard template for mode: </xsl:text><br/> AL> <xsl:apply-templates select="."/> AL> </xsl:template> NW> So when corpauthor is encountered, you're no longer in NW> programmer-info-mode. Yep, I finally figured out that as well. Note how this is quite different to a DSSSL construction rule, because you don't need a `default' rule, since if you process a node with in a particular mode, you can still access the default rules if you haven't overriden them by an XSL template. So the DSSSL: (element variablelist (let ((role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))) (if (equal? role "programmers") (with-mode programmer-info-mode (process-children)) (process-children)))) (mode programmer-info-mode (element corpauthor (make sequence ($bold-italic-seq$ (literal "Group: ")) (process-children))) (element fax (make sequence ($italic-seq$ (literal "fax: ")) (process-children)))) is not equivalent to the XSL (which you might reasonably expect to duplicate the DSSSL output): <xsl:template match="variablelist"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="@role='programmers'"> <xsl:apply-templates mode="programmer-info-mode"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:text>Applying imports:</xsl:text><br/> <xsl:apply-imports/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="corpauthor" mode="programmer-info-mode"> <b><i><xsl:text>Group: </xsl:text></i><b> <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="programmer-info-mode"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="fax" mode="programmer-info-mode"> <i><xsl:text>Fax: </xsl:text></i> <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="programmer-info-mode"/> </xsl:template> NW> The interesting thing is that if I change your xsl:include to NW> xsl:import and change this to xsl:apply-imports, then it seems to NW> work (at least in XT). I can't decide if I think this is a bug or NW> a feature. Interesting, I tried with various combinations of xsl:include/xsl:import and nothing worked in the expected way. In any case I came up with (hopefully!) more elegant solution than my original attempt, that avoids modes all together. Here's what I posted to the Mulberrytech XSL list: Solution: --------- Search for the all the desired nodes `corpauthor', `fax', `author' in the following example that have as _ancestors_ (arbitrarily deep), a `variablelist' with the appropriate attribute set, so I have templates like the following: <!-- rules for role subclassing on programmer info pages --> <xsl:template match="variablelist[@role='programmers']//corpauthor"> <strong><em> <xsl:text>Group: </xsl:text> </em></strong> <xsl:apply-templates/><br></br> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="variablelist[@role='programmers']//fax"> <em>fax: </em><xsl:apply-templates/><br></br> </xsl:template> Perhaps not the most efficient in terms of the processing time (if someone could suggest an alternative, faster way, I'd love to hear about it), but the most elegant _I_ could come up with in XSL and certainly the most isomorphic to (and arguably more succinct in terms of number of lines than) the DSSSL equivalent: (element variablelist (let ((role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))) (if (equal? role "programmers") (with-mode programmer-info-mode (process-children)) (process-children)))) (mode programmer-info-mode (element corpauthor (make sequence ($bold-italic-seq$ (literal "Group: ")) (process-children))) (element fax (make sequence ($italic-seq$ (literal "fax: ")) (process-children)))) Let me also say, coming from a DSSSL background it was less than obvious how to solve this, since modes (although superficially similar) function in fundamentally different ways in the two languages. So I hope this belated followup helps others on the same migration path. Alex -- Alex Lancaster * alexl@bigfoot.com * www.santafe.edu/~alex * 505 984-8800 x242
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