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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Efficiently including images in DocBook

On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 09:35:36AM +0100, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> >>>>> "Nik" == Nik Clayton <nik@nothing-going-on.demon.co.uk> writes:
>     Nik> When I'm using the TeX backend to product postscript then I
>     Nik> want it to use EPS.  When I'm using the TeX backend to
>     Nik> produce PDF then I want it to use the PNG.
> I do it like this (actually I use EPDF format with PDF, but the
> principle is the same):

This is close to what I do, but it's not quite right.

Specifically, I want to be able to have two textobjects that are chosen,
depending on whether or not images are included at all.

I've attached my current test documents, a driver.dsl, two images, book.sgml,
and a build script.  

From one source document, there are (basically) four output formats I'm
concerned about.

  1.  HTML, including PNG graphics, where <textobject><phrase>...</></>
      becomes the images ALT text.

  2.  HTML, with no graphics.  The graphics are replaced by the contents
      of <textobject><literallayout>...</></> allowing you to do ASCII art.

  3.  PS, with EPS images.

  4.  PDF, with PNG images.

RTF would be nice, but is not an essential right now.

And I'd like to do this with the minimum of markup in the document -- the
included book.sgml shows the markup I would expect to work.

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