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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Some PostScript hack to make Jadetex documents betterlooking


I hope it helps you to get a better result with Jadetex PostScript. 

I've hacked the PS file to include an horizontal rule right below the
chapter title, as we used to get while using LaTeX.

It requires that you have Perl installed on your machine and it's a
beta version licensed under GPL.

Please, if you have any comments or bug report, send me a message.


1. create your postscript file as you've always done.
2. run: ps-page-line.pl file.ps

It took 45 seconds to go through a 72MB PostScript file on a AMD K6-2
450MHz here... Memory usage is the minimum possible (I'm working on a
line by line basis), but if you have suggestions to make it better,
please, send them.

Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>

Departamento de Publicações       Conectiva S.A.
Publishing Department             Conectiva Inc.


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