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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with DocBook 4.1.2 XML entities beingparsed bi OpenJade 1.3

At 12:51 05/10/2000 +0800, Kevin Lin wrote:

>         You must include "xml.dcl" in your command line.
>jade -t tex -V tex-backend -d docbook.dsl xml.dcl mybook.xml

I have the same problem, and its with xml.dcl... (docbook 4.1.2 XML, jade 
1.2.1 on WinNT). Invoking:
jade -t rtf -wxml -f error.log -d 
O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\dtds\decls\xml.dcl mybook.xml
Get me same errors as described by Jorge Godoy.

Finally removing the -wxml option from jade invocation works far better:
jade -t rtf -f error.log -d 
O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\dtds\decls\xml.dcl mybook.xml
Then I get only my own errors, and few others... standard xml attributes 
are not recognized:
         jade:infoexpbooks.xml:26:14:E: there is no attribute "xml:lang"

Maybe that could be inserted in a FAQ ?
(the -wxml is in jade documentation for using jade with xml files, and 
there may be many users which have that problem)

Thank for your example which give the idea to remove -wxml.


Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences
Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48
email  : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr  ou  lpointal@planete.net 

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