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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with DocBook 4.1.2 XML entities beingparsed bi OpenJade 1.3

>>>>> On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 12:51:29 +0800, Kevin Lin <kevinlin@ieLinux.com> said:

    KL> 	You must include "xml.dcl" in your command line.
    KL> jade -t tex -V tex-backend -d docbook.dsl xml.dcl mybook.xml

If you read my message, you'll notice that I'm using the XML
declaration file 'xml.dcl'... :-((

Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>

Departamento de Publicações       Conectiva S.A.
Publishing Department             Conectiva Inc.

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