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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with DocBook 4.1.2 XML entities beingparsed bi OpenJade 1.3

Hello Jorge,

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Jorge Godoy wrote:
> While using OpenJade to convert my XML DocBook documents into another
> format (such as Jadetex), I get the following error messages (just an
> example since it occurs for every entity file used): 
> openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat1.ent:26:18:E: "X00EA" is not a function name
<snip times="lots of"/>
> openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat2.ent:126:17:E: "X017B" is not a function name
> openjade:/home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/../common/dbl1ja.dsl:369:26:E: unknown character name "U-524D\U-306E\U-30DA\U-30FC\U-30B8"
> openjade:/home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/../common/dbl1ja.dsl:378:26:E: unknown character name "U-6B21\U-306E\U-30DA\U-30FC\U-30B8"
> These entities are the ones provided with Norm's 4.1.2 XML DTD. 
> I'm using this command line:
> openjade -t tex -V tex -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/docbook.dsl /usr/share/doc/openjade-1.3/pubtext/xml.dcl test.xml
> My documents gets formatted ok, but these messages are annoying... :-\ 

I remember having had the same behaviour. I am definitely not sure if I am
right, but the problem disappeared after using a small catalog file that
only contains entries for XML DocBook, so I assumed that those errors
arrise when you mix SGML and XML entries in your catalog file,
especially mixing different SGML declarations. I even think I saw a
similar explanation for those errors somewhere else.

Hope this helps.


Version: 3.12
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