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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Efficiently including images in DocBook

Nik Clayton writes:
 > > If you have both PNG and PDF versions of a graphic, the search order
 > > is fixed. Actually, PNG comes first in the default, but you can change
 > > that order if you need.
 > Can you provide me with pointers where I can find out how to change the 
 > default?  I'd hoped to be able to use the same .png files in the PDF
 > as with the HTML.  However, going from EPS to PNG, and then using the
 > PNG in the generated PDF file leads to blocky graphics.
its in the file pdftex.def, which says


so if you say, in a jadetex.cfg


you should achieve the desired effect. untested!


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