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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Graphics across multiple formats

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Paul Adams <colin@colina.demon.co.uk> writes:

    Colin> I actually tried this with imagedata (see next line:)

    Colin>  <imagedata fileref="basicendings/graphics/KpFLK1X2000"
    Colin> format="EPS"/>

    Colin> This works, even for html output, where I am actually using
    Colin> the stylesheets to select png as the default extension.

    Colin> My first try was to omit the format="EPS" altogether - that
    Colin> worked for html output (PNG file), but not for postscript
    Colin> (eps) or pdf (pdf).

    Colin> I then tried specifying format="PNG" - same result.

    Colin> but format="EPS" works for all.

    Colin> Can anyone explain this (to me) curious behaviour? (using
    Colin> DocBook 4.0 XML and dsssl)

No-one could explain it.

I decided it's time enough to do some debugging - and I have managed
to solve the problem (i.e. I can now omit the format specifier altogether).

It appears that the function: (define (data-filename dataobj) etc.
in db31.dsl differs between the html and print versions of the style
sheets. The print version lacks references to
%graphic-default-extension% and %graphic-extensions% .

My solution was to copy the definition of data-filename from the html
spreadsheet, into my DSSSL driver file (print section only). Now all

I am not certain if this is the appropriate fix - I'll leave Norman to
figure that out.

Meanwhile, if I have time, I'll try to update graphics.xsl in the fo
(and maybe the html too) xsl directories (I have 1.18 of the xsl style
sheets), so that it honours the various attributes on the imagedata
tag (in particular, scale - all it needs is content-width and
content-height to be set to the value of the scale attribute, as far
as I can see), and get default extensions working. I was intending to
do this, but I thought I better get 
the existing DSSSL problem out of the way, so I could dispense with
having a format attribute.

Norman, if for any reason you think it's not a good idea for me to
tackle this (e.g. you are working on it at present), then please email me.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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