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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: a handy DTD utility

Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> writes:

> If you work with complex DTDs, then you should take a look
> at LiveDTD, the free utility program I'm making available
> today at:
>   http://www.sagehill.net/livedtd
> LiveDTD is a perl script that turns the text of a DTD into a
> hypertext document. It parses the DTD files and generates a
> copy with HTML markup inserted. The markup enables you to
> quickly browse the DTD by following links. It works with
> both XML and SGML DTDs.


This is great stuff -- especially in the way that it exposes the
parameter entities to you while still allowing you to interactively
navigate through them.

I use Earl Hood's "db2html" script, but by design it obscures the
parameter entities -- or actually obscures the DTD syntax itself -- of
course because its purpose is quite different.

For me needs, the two utilities complement each quite nicely. Very
glad to have the added clarity that LiveDTD provides.

  --Mike Smith

Michael Smith          mailto:smith@xml-doc.org
XML-DOC                http://www.xml-doc.org/

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