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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Anyone have comments about sourceforge?
Hi folks, As my ability to make timely updates becomes more strained, and the number of people submitting patches to my stylesheets grows, I'm starting to consider putting the sources in a public CVS repository. In the short term, this will allow me to advertise experimental releases without going through the now quite complex task (even if it's 94% automated) of building a release. In the longer term, I foresee a small group of developers with write access to the repository. With that in mind, does anyone have comments, good or bad, about sourceforge or any of the other "open source" development portals? Feel free to send me your comments privately if you wish. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | It is important what a man still http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | plans at the end. It shows the Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | measure of injustice in his | death.--Elias Canetti
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